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Low-tuned guitars, bubbling singing and neurotic drums. These are the features of Ostrava's musical mess called PURULENT SPERMCANAL!!! A band that started as a side project of the members of black metal band Enochian in 1995 has become a full-time band over the years. Rehearsing in an old barn the first songs are cover versions of IMPETIGO which PURULENT SPERMCANAL is being compared to in the beginning. Having changed several singers and released four full-length albums the band paused in 2003 to create a project called Have the Munchies which however has nothing to do with grind music.

One word led to another and the old buddies revived PURULENT SPERMCANAL after many years in 2017. In February 2018 they produced a new promo recording in a partly new line-up winding up as a split with France's Pulmonary Fibrosis!!! We will be glad to present them again to you on the OEF's boards after their reunion!!! They will be here for the third time after all!!!


It all started as a project the name Pharmacist sometime in 95 or 96 in the composition Kokes (drums), Marunič (gajtra) and Petrouš (vokanál). After a few tests, however,
Singer Petrouš start his own project Purulent Spermcanal in which the couple of weeks passed and the remaining members of Pharmacist Kokes and Marunič.

In a few months natáčíme first demo "Puaka Balava, which is based in 1997 the first album. After the release of this album comes Staník bass. In four we played a few gigs again and we visited the studio. The result is the second album "Legalize for Cannibalism", which appeared on the market in 1998. We also based on the vinyl "Sperman" - split with the Australian SP

Following the achievement of us leaving singer Marek Petrouš has been replaced by Roman Janečka (former singer Social Deformity). Romano begin to play a real gore-grind, comes the first concert abroad (Warsaw - PL), and many concerts all over our country. After the constant "battle" between the Roman and the rest band singer finally leaving in 2000. Kokes taken on vocals with a Maruničem we are shooting in three other album "We Pity We Did not Kill You All".

Plate advocating several concerts, a few of them appeared as a singer Milan (Olač) which is now in the grunt Carnal Diafragma. However, we play again in the next three and natáčíme material "Sufficient Disgust", but which based until late 2002 as a split CD together with Polish Coffee Grinders (ex Dead Infection).

Dates the second half of 2000, and guitarist Mark appears in the pub squeaker Bushmen, who promises to cooperate with the microphone and really becomes fourth member of the band. In the stable group (Kokeš - tubs, Marek - gajtra, Staník - bass and Bushman - cry) travel at the festival Obscene Extreme 2000 in Trutnov. Autumn 2000 Bushman at hand for the battle, which of course does not prevent him sing with us at every concert. In addition to concerts we are producing next three, However, flirt a lot with hardcore punishment and we feel that we can
instead of making a real big beat ruckus.

After returning from the army Křováčkově him acquainted with the new songs, new sound (we call it "gourmet gore grind rock"), closing to the rehearsal room and we practice and  sawmill. In June 2002 we start recording material for new album. Shooting is suspended our participation in "Obscene Extreme 2002 in Trutnov, where new material "Tested on humans" … Emboldened by positive feedback, we return to the studio and subsidies album "Have the Munchies', which is published in January 2003.

Come back february 2018 and april 2018 recording 5 new songs on split cd with french Pulmonary Fibrosis.


Release date Release name Media
2018 Cannibalistic Picnic Continue/Pulmonary Fibrosis
2004 Smothered Brothers
2002 Have The Munchies
2000 We Pity Didnt Kill You All
2000 Sufficient Disgust/Coffe Grinders
1998 Sperman/Viscera
1998 Legalize for Cannibalism
1998 Litlle Petrous story/Ptao MC (TAPE)
1997 Puaka Balava


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