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INSISTENT Czech Republic

INSISTENT - Terrorstorm

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Prague's band INSISTENT has emerged as a pleasant new surprise on the local grind core scene. Heavyweight grind core shredding in the vein of Nasum, Rotten Sound, Assück or Napalm Death.

A new recording made in the famous Davos studio in Vyškov. A split CD with South Bohemia's But under their belt and a bright future that is sure to be started by their live performance at the OEF 2019 ahead of them!!!


Prague based band Insistent got together at the end of 2017 on the ruins of well known grindcore act Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland. The band consists of experienced and well known figures of the czech grind scene, Dan (guitars, Diphteria, ex DEOAG) and Voko (bass, ex DEOAG, ex Ahumado Granujo), but also brings musicians with modern deathcore background, Jirka (vocals, Suffocate With Your Fame, ex DEOAG) and Přéma (drums, Soul Decoder, ex Diligence), to their lineup. Despite the colorful musical history of each individual they clicked immediately in the direction of stormbending deathgrind with some occasional hardcore grooves and crusty punkiness here and there.

Personal and musical chemistry became pretty obvious and led to a huge wave of creativity. After tree months the band recorded their first EP at Prague‘s finest diy recording studio, the Dödsmord studio. The material was released as a split EP with grind extraordinaires  БУТ under the neonarcis.com (l'inphantile collective) label. The band has some vital concerting under their belt already, for example sharing stages with Whoresnation, P.L.F., Birdflesh, Gride, Convulsions, Entrails Massacre or attending the last Fekal Party festival.

And since the chemistry is getting stronger and songs are being created almost effortlessly, the band decided to record their second EP in the middle of January 2019. Davos (Vyškov, Czech Republic) was chosen as their studio of choice this time and under the supervision of experienced producer Otyn they recorded another 9 songs filled with buzzsaw riffing, dirty bass, machinegun blastbeats and growls coming straight from the depths of hell!


Release date Release name Media
2019 EP (spring 2019) EP
2018 INSISTENT / BYT - Serenity of suffering / Understrike - SPLIT CD CD


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