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Band add - INFO


We have been forming a big community of lunatics from all over the world since many years. We would be pleased to have you to help us to look for new bands and that is why we are launching the programme "TO PLAY AT OEF". You can add the bands into the database as a fan, band member or as someone helping the band. The first thing you need is a registration (as a registered fan you can comment anything on the website, use the forum actively etc.) and then you need all the relevant information, photo, mp3 song, video links, band websites so that we could check out your favourite band directly on the web, play a song, watch a video, see the history etc. Please try to provide complete information so that the presentation is as good as possible. We will be happy of course when this communication really gets going. All of us at OEF believe we will get to know many new and interesting bands thanks to this tool!

The voting on our web page is just an auxiliary tool you can use as a guidance for yourselves but we do not intend to do any kind of competition from "TO PLAY AT OEF". There are other fests here for this. We believe in co-operation and not some kind of competing. More votes can of course attract a bigger attention to the band but it does not guarantee any automatic appearance at OEF.

We do not intend to tie that up with some excessive rules and vote verifications etc. We do not care if your granny clicks or someone does a campaign on facebook, web, Twitter or anywhere else. It does not matter. It is about the respect to you the fans and other bands. We are OEF! We are just an UG festival! Not a jackpot in a lottery! Those who know us know very well we keep supporting young and upcoming bands right from the beginning of the festival. Anyone can play at our fest! So, the number of votes a band received is not important at all! Even a band with a few votes can be of an interest for OEF stage in the end.

Of course there is just a limited number of slots at the fest every year, so it is not doable to satisfy every band but we still think that you will be given a chance to listen to and learn about a lot of new music thanks to this portal. We feel our scene does need it, both the new blood and energy of new bands and the fans' support. Should it fail in the end, it is still a good chance for us to listen to lots of music we do not know about. 

So, start adding the bands, vote, share your OEF web page but please leave the final choice to us. Do trust us it is not easy to choose only 69 bands each year as many more bands would deserve to play at OEF. Anyway, we can assure you we carefully keep an eye on this application and we will for sure try to give the chance to play at OEF to the best bands!!!

Thanks for your support!!!