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GORGASM United States

GORGASM - Corpsefiend

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Vlhne vaše rozkládající se sousedka a chybí jí už déle trochu něhy? Co takhle si k ní odskočit "na skleničku"? GORGASM jsou velkolepí a jejich perverzní balady roztahují stehna všem (nejen těm nehybným) slečnám.

Jejich technické postupy ovlivnily kvantum extrémních kapel, kombinace slizké lepicí se melodiky do vašich mozkových závitů přikovaných extrémními zvěrstvy a těžkotonážní brutalitou je dělají výjimečnými ve své branži. Čekáte, že jejich zábavně nemocnou lyriku přenesou na pódium? Tak to jste ještě zřejmě neměli tu čest! Seriózní profesionální prvoligový brutal s dynamitem v riffech, na který jen tak nezapomenete, přichází skutečný G orgasm!!!


Gorgasm is a 1994 founded  Chicago Death Metal band. The group disbanded in December 2008 and reunited almost two years (2010). A year later, the third studio album called Orgy of Murder appeared.

The band was formed in 1994 after the group Crematorium broke up and Tom Tangaloss, Tom Leski and Russ Powell decided to start a band mixing the American Grindcore with elements of European Death Metal. After the group searched for a singer for a long time without success, the musicians decided to divide the vocal parts. In the summer of 1996, the first demo with six tracks was released. After this demo received a great response Derek Hoffman (including Fleshgrind) was included as a drummer in the band. In March 1998 Gorgasm released their EP Stabwound Intercourse on Pulverized Records. It was followed by appearances at the Milwaukee Metalfest and the Chicago Deathfest.

The debut album of the group Bleeding Profusely was released on the label Unique Leader Records. Then the group played several concerts. One of them was with the band Lividity. [3] Also the successor album Masticate to Dominate, which came on the market in 2003, appeared under this label. In June 2007 Gorgasm played on the "Death Feast Openair" at the airfield Schwarze Heide at Hünxegemeinsam with groups such as Grind Inc., Resurrected, Debauchery and Wormed.
  They have undergone quite a few lineup changes over the years and the only remaining member from the original lineup is guitarist/vocalist Damian "Tom" Leski who still plays in the band. They have played multiple death festival shows including 2017 Maryland Death Fest.

The group is known for its shocking cover art work, such as the cover Masticate to Dominate, which shows two naked women mutilating. The follow-up album Orgy of Murder shows a similar scenario: A naked man beheads a woman. In the background you can see several naked people.

The texts of the group mostly include topics such as sodomy, assault, sexual intercourse, murder, necrophilia and coprophilia. Sometimes it happens that several topics occur in a song. The album Masticate to Dominate is a concept album and tells the story from the point of view of a psychopathic and sadistic killer, who enjoys the bodies of his victims.

Latest Line up:
Damian Leski - Guitar/Vocals
Anthony Voight - Bass/Vocals
Sasha Chrosciewicz - Guitar/Vocals
Matt Kilner - Drums


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2014 Destined to Violate (New Standard Elite)
2011 Orgy of Murder (Brutal Bands)
2006 Promo 2006
2003 Masticate to Dominate (Unique Leader Records)
2002 Bleeding Profusely (Unique Leader Records)
1998 Stabwound Intercours (Pulverized Records, Sevared Records)
1997 Two-tracks promo
1996 Demo 1996 DEMO


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