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Slave To The Grind je úplně první dokument o grindcoru. Dotýká se celé jeho historie a popisuje, jak vznikl v 80. letech z punku i metalu. Byl natočen během 4 let v 9 zemích na 4 kontinentech. Udělán je zásadně na koleně bez finanční podpory studií nebo jakékoliv firemní finanční podpory.
Doug Brown (producent/šéf filmu o grindu) říká:
“Tenhle film byl vyroben s podporou komunity. Měli jsme to potěšení, že jsme se mohli probrat asi 1000 hodinami prvotního materiálu dodaného fanoušky. Provedli jsme téměř 100 hodin rozhovorů se 72 subjekty z celého světa. Projekt takového rozsahu byl možný díky podpoře kapel a fanoušků od prvního dne. Jsme poctěni, že jsme mohli tento film vytvořit s komunitou tvrdé hudby.”
If you lived in Flint Michigan, USA in the 80s, you likely worked in an auto factory. If you lived in Birmingham, England in the 80s, you likely worked in an industrial setting. If you were a teenager in either of these cities during those years, you either accepted your fate or broke the mold. In defiance of tradition, groups of punk rockers and metalheads in these respective cities created a new sound, and consequently a new genre of music, that was too punk for metalheads, and too heavy for punks.
Grindcore fused the anarchistic attitudes of the UKs Punk scene with the speed and drunken aggression of Death Metal, which was simultaneously being created in the US. When Napalm Death released ‘Scum' in 1986, world-renowned BBC DJ, John Peel, announced that ‘Grindcore’ was the fastest and most abrasive sounding music imaginable, and he was right.
Immediately musicians were torn. Many believed Grindcore to be an anticapitalist, cathartic blast of jokingly short songs. Lyrics were often aggressively pro-life, anti-homophobic and anti-racist. While others inverted the genre with the hopes of becoming as offensive as possible when it came to band names and lyrical content; likely a 'fuck you' to the mainstream.
Slave To The Grind is the first documentary on Grindcore to capture the genre's 35 year life span. The film takes you to Japan, the United States, UK, Australia, Singapore, Finland and Sweden to discuss why the genre has persisted, and changed, over time.
Doug Brown hails from Scarborough, Ontario and has been obsessed with music and movies since he was a kid. During the day he runs the Film Studies program at a high school in midtown Toronto, and his evenings and weekends are spent working on documentaries. His last documentary, Never Enough, won Best Documentary at the Kingston International Film Festival in 2014.
He currently lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife, two daughters, three cats, and 6,500 records.