dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:

  • 908

908 United States

908 - Disposable


Těžkotonážní grind core jak noha z amerického Denveru! To jsou 908! Na kontě mají zatím pouze dva singly, za to ale projeli se svojí živou šou křížem krážem celé Spojené státy. V sestavě členové CATHETER nebo ENEMY REIGN.   

Věřte tomu, že tahle kapela pro vás bude rozhodně příjemným překvapením! Takhle hrubě hrát grind core umí snad jen US bandy. Takže vězte, že letos poprvé v Evropě a rovnou na Obscene Extreme Festivalu 2016!!!


It was the winter of 2013 when Chris Cannell ( Aberrant, Catheter) decided it was time to start a new project.. Recruiting JP Damron (ctttoaff) on drums and Cassie Begay ( Deadspeak/ Enemy Reign) on bass.. First jam session we wrote 2 songs.. Shortly there after we recruited Bryan Ostrow to take on the vocal duties.. We recorded our first ep Jan 2014 with Dave Otero @ Flatline audio.. We then played a handful of live shows and were very well received.. We went on our first tour summer of 2014 to the west coast and was a great success.. December of 2015 we recorded our 2nd ep with Andy Nelson @ Brick top recording in Chicago..2016 we parted ways with Jp on drums and recruited Keith Keeran on drum duties.. Oct 2016 did mini tour to play southwest terror fest. Was a blast and we had a great time.. As far as our sound goes we try not to label it but someone put on a flyer "floor punching grindcore" I guess that sums it up.. We like to have fun and want the audience to have the same experience "party grind" ..


no releases


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