dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:

  • RAS

RAS Espana



Formed 12 years ago as the “crusty side Project” of 2 members of D.E.L.P. (HC/Grind) few months later they complete the line-up with Fres (in that time in Coprofagia, nowadays in Freaknation, Violent Headache, etc) and Dani (Mass Mierda) and they started playing gigs over the Basque Country and a few more over the rest of the spanish state. During those years they music turned from the fast Crustcore of their beginning to a pure old school GrindCore mayhem.

6 years ago the half of the band left the band (and the city) and the other 2 members recruited Garrulo Cadaver (in that time in Perros Deshidratados, nowadays in Cadaver Putrefacto) and they gave their first gig in the Etengabeko Zarata Festival as a trio and with all of them taking care of the vocals. After that the classical gigs all over the Basque Country, some gigs and festivals over the Spanish state, an European mini-tour and the recording of their split with Disturbance Project.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2009 Split 102/CD/K7 with Disturbance Project
2007 6 tracks in the An Old fashioned grindcore Assault Vol. 2
1998 Orgy anyone? – split K7 with Denak


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