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UNDERGANG - Livløs i en pøl af egne udskillelser


UNDERGANG – CHOROBNÁ ZKAŽENOST POCHODUJÍCÍCH ZOMBIE SE VALÍ Z DÁNSKA!!! UNDERGANG, založený v roce 2008, je ztělesněním nejtěžšího a nejšpinavějšího death metalu, jakého si lze představit. S kytarami podladěnými do ultra nízkého drsného rachotu znějícím jako zurčící odpadní voda v kombinaci s těžce bušícími bubny a vokály, které buď zvrací chorobné zkaženosti nebo kvílí v dusivé agónii, se UNDERGANG stal kultovním jménem v celém death metalovém undergroundu.

Vydali pět plnohodnotných desek, mnoho EP a splitů většinou u velmi významného labelu Me Saco Un Ojo Records vydávajícím hodně současné death metalové produkce. Živé hraní pro ně bylo vždy prioritou, takže se v průběhu let uskutečnilo mnoho koncertů a turné po Evropě, Americe, Japonsku a Austrálii. David „Torturdød“ Mikkelsen, zakladatel, zpěvák a kytarista, etabloval kapelu na dnešní mezinárodní death metalové scéně velmi dobře díky intenzivnímu networkingu, výměnným obchodům s nahrávkami, organizování undergroundových vystoupení, provozování obchodu s extrémní metalovou hudbou v dánské Kodani, provozováním labelu Extremely Rotten Productions a svojí uměleckou prací pod přezdívkou "Ink Lesions".

Jejich živá vystoupení nabité energií bylo vždy zábavné sledovat. Připravte se tedy na klasický oldschoolový death metalový styl pod značkou UNDERGANG plný řezavých kytarových tónů, jednoduchých punkových struktur a odporných riffů propletených s nezapomenutelnými strašidelnými melodiemi. Uštváni k smrti – UNDERGANG!!!


UNDERGANG was formed in the summer of 2008 in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, and was the creation of long needs for creating conservative and brutally heavy death metal, something that wasn't as widespread in the international, and even less national, extreme metal scene at the time. Formed and driven with the passion for the genre and little care for other people's acceptance and interest, the band wrote and recorded what they intended to be their debut album "Indhentet af døden" during the winter of 2008/2009, supported by having played a variety of local shows in the Danish capital region. The debut album eventually got released in January 2010 by the UK based newly founded label Me Saco Un Ojo Records and a little later the Spanish label Xtreem Music, with whom they signed a contract for the first and second album. 2010 and 2011 was spent playing various shows and festivals around Europe and even their first appearance in the US on a 2011 West Coast tour for three weeks around the Chaos in Tejas festival in Austin, Texas. The sophomore album "Til døden os skiller" was released on LP/CD in February 2012 and supported by a European tour the same month and two months later a support job in Brooklyn in New York opening for death metal legends AUTOPSY.

The next three years was spent touring extensively all over bringing the band several times to the US, Japan, Australia and continuously around Europe. In July 2015 the third album and closer of the "Døden" trilogy was released and supported by a three week European tour, the album was also the return to working with Me Saco Un Ojo Records and the first album release working with US based Dark Descent Records, both labels whom UNDERGANG still works with for all major releases to this day. Lots of more shows and tours all across the world took place the next two years leading up to the release of their perhaps most well received album, "Misantropologi", which was released in July 2017 and supported by a five week full US tour, followed by a smaller leg of European shows in September that year. Over the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 the band established their current line-up with with Mads Haarløv on lead guitar and backing vocals, Martin Leth Anders on bass and backing vocals joining the founding the members Anders Pedersen on drums and David Mikkelsen on guitar and lead vocals. With the new strong line-up the band wrote and recorded their fifth studio album "Aldrig i livet" which was released in December 2020, in the midst of the pandemic but still with a local show supporting the release live, even if under heavy restrictions for live events in Denmark at the time.

2023 saw the release of the bads lates EP “De syv stadier af fordærv” and offers more of the by now well expected putrid death metal nauseation, that people love or hate the band for.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2017 "Døden Var Kun En Begyndelse…-" Promo MC - 2017 (Extremely Rotten) MC (TAPE)
2017 "Misantropologi" LP/CD/MC July 2017 (Me Saco Un Ojo - LP / Dark Descent - CD / Extremely Rotten - MC) CD, LP, MC (TAPE)
2015 "Døden Læger Alle sår" LP/CD/MC - 2015 (Me Saco Un Ojo - LP / Dark Descend - CD / Headsplit - MC) CD, LP, MC (TAPE)
2015 "Koulema Parantaa Kaikki Haavat" Split MC with Corpsessed & Solothus - 2015 (Extremely Rotten) MC (TAPE)
2014 "Kogt I blod" promo MC - 2014 (Extremely Rotten) MC (TAPE)
2013 "Til Døden Os Skiller" LP/CD/MC - 2012 (Xtreem Music / Extremely Rotten - MC 2013) MC (TAPE)
2013 "Søm Til Din Ligkiste" 7" - 2013 (Me Saco Un Ojo / Dark Descent)
2012 "The Dead of Winter" Split 7" w. Funebrarum - 2012 (Doomentia)
2011 "Hævntørst" Flexi 7" - 2011 (Me Saco Un Ojo / Dark Descent)
2011 "T.D.O.S.-promo" MC - 2011 (Extremely Rotten) MC (TAPE)
2010 "Indhentet Af Døden" LP/CD/MC- 2010 (Me Saco Un Ojo - LP 2010 / Xtreem Music - CD 2011 / Extremely Rotten - MC 2013) CD, LP, MC (TAPE)
2009 "Promo 09" MC MC (TAPE)


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