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PARTY CANNON - Weird, but not illegal


ŽÁDNÁ ŠANCE PRO ZBABĚLCE!!! Party hard!!! První bandou, kterou avizujeme pro OEF 2025 je naprosto úchylná, ale mega zábavná Skotská pětice PARTY CANNON!!! Za zvuku naprosto brutálního a těžkého slam brutal death metalu borci rozjíždí zábavu, která u nás ještě nebyla, ale na Bojiště se hodí jako prdel na hrnec!!! Představte si tu nejšílenější párty se spoustou balónků, střílející rachejtle, párty ohozy, kdy létá vše kolem a my všichni budeme přesně uprostřed toho velkého mumraje!!! A to vše, při tak podlazeném zvuku nástrojů a guturálního vokálu, že se některým slabším kouskům může udělat i nevolno. PARTY CANNON bude opravdová mega párty!!! Není třeba pochybovat!!!



PARTY CANNON are BACK with their HEAVIEST, SLAMMINGEST and DUMBEST album yet, an overwhelming helping of the henchest and most nauseating Party Slam. The band have doubled down on their signature Party Slam style to bring you an experience so IQ lowering, so soul crushing, so life expectancy reducing that we recommend you wear a helmet while listening for your own safety.

“Injuries Are Inevitable” takes us on a deep dive of the infamous Action Park; the world’s un-safest theme park. Through the medium of guttural vocals, rapid blast beats and anabolic slam riffs you will be taken on an immersive 4D experience of the debauchery, partying and down right irresponsibility this iconic park had to offer.
No admission for cowards, big dumb party riffs only.

“The park was an infamous landmark in the 80s due its complete disregard for any kind of rules or safety. Park guests were free to do as they pleased and staff were under trained and often very drunk – most of the rides were designed and built by people who had no idea what they were doing. All this plus a massive party atmosphere resulted in ridiculous antics, serious injuries, and a number of deaths. We felt this really embodied the Party Cannon spirit and was the perfect subject matter for a concept album”, states bassist Clankenstein. 
“Injuries Are Inevitable” marks the band’s first release with new label, the legendary UNIQUE LEADER RECORDS.

“I know what all you fellow death metal nerd virgins are thinking; underground brutal death metal band signs to a bigger label, does this mean they have gone soft? Well I can confirm that we are NOT the kind of band to receive a good offer then start making the softest music ever under the guise of “good song writing”. We have done the opposite and become even more obnoxious, this is the most sonically offensive album we have done to date.” 

“It’s an honour to be part of Unique Leader Records, a label that has put out so many classic bands like Disgorge, Gorgasm and Deeds Of Flesh along with some of our current favourites like Waking The Cadaver. You’ll be able to hear our love for bands like Dying Fetus, Disavowed, Exhumed and Devourment threaded throughout the album. Big dumb riffs forever.”

Mixing and mastering handled by Steve Wright (DYING FETUS, MISERY INDEX) at Wrightway Studios under strict instruction to create the most disgusting sounds possible.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2024 Injuries Are Inevitable - Full-length
2022 Volumes of Vomit - Full-length
2019 Cannons of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sickness - Split
2017 Soft, White, Gelatinous Body - Single
2017 Perverse Party Platter EP
2015 Bong Hit Hospitalisation CD
2013 Partied in Half EP
2013 Drunk in Cambridge - Live album
2012 Party Promo 2012
2012 Duct Taped to a Flag Pole - Single
2011 Slam Jeram DEMO
2010 We Prefer the Term "Living Impaired" - Single
2001 Nauseating and Unpalatable - Single


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