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RAISED BY OWLS United Kingdom



VELKÁ BRITSKÁ SLAM GRIND KOMEDIE!!! Řeknete si uřvaná a řádně moderní muzika. Potřebujeme ji na OEF? Jasně, že ano, vždyť přece Obscene Extreme vždy spojoval extrémní styly napříč scénami a tito britští mladíci nazvaní RAISED BY OWLS kombinují velice umně a chytlavě slam, brutal death, grind a poctivou dávku satiry. Tenhle kvintet si totiž umí utahovat z kdekoho včetně sebe!!! V Anglii platí RAISED BY OWLS za malou senzaci, ale díru do Evropy ještě neudělali a tak proč jim neotevřít dveře zrovna na OEF.

RAISED BY OWLS nás dostali svým show na loňském Bloodstocku, po hraní na menších pódiích tohohle festivalu se konečně dostali na hlavní pódium a byla to prostě pecka. Tak uvidíme, jestli nám na Bojišti RAISED BY OWLS ukážou zběsilý Barneyho tanec, nebo si tentokrát vezmou na mušku někoho jiného. Pokud si myslíte, že extrémní metal postrádá pořádnou dávku legrace, jste tady správně. RAISED BY OWLS vás přesvědčí o opaku na svém debutním OEF show!!!


What do you get if you cross five misspent youths, a sardonic streak a mile wide, and a dildo-wielding Mr. Blobby? 

Raised by Owls aren’t sure, but they’re Hell-bent on finding out. Spawned from the depths of Derbyshire to provide you with a mild sonic disturbance followed by an immediate apology, the band are still here and aren’t messing about. 

Formed in 2015 by Sam Strachan (vocals), Alex LeGrice (guitar), and Lee Deane (drums), the band was brought to full strength the following year with the addition of Mark Bainbridge (guitar) and Tobias Cope (bass). Their first album “The Great British Grind Off” was an eclectic ode to the bizarre quirks of British culture, earning the boys the honour of playing Bloodstock’s New Blood stage. Second album “Dreadful” built off this foundation, proving that the band were more than a fluke and saw them returning to Bloodstock to play to an at-capacity Sophie Lancaster stage, this time with Mr. Blobby and dildoes in tow. 

Where the pandemic forced many bands into a lull, Raised By Owls used this downtime to hone the visual element of their craft and spread their brand of outlandish absurdity via tactical use of social media. A running theme is the idiosyncrasies of the metal scene that metalheads often take for granted. The quiet approval when spotting another metalhead in the wild, the satisfaction of covertly blasting death metal in public, or the heated debate over who is most metal: to lifelong lovers of heavy music, these have been observed, adored, and respectfully mocked. With over 50 million views and 100,000+ followers across various platforms, Raised By Owls hope to expand on these ideas well into 2025 and beyond! 

In May 2024 the band released “Vol 3: The Satirical Verses”, which saw Raised By Owls push the envelope further and proved that there is a place for their brand of irreverent eccentricity within metal’s hallowed halls, returning once again to conquer the main stage at Bloodstock with a record-breaking Sunday morning crowd. 

With Raised By Owls you can expect a ferocious sonic onslaught that will have you laughing and banging your head in equal measure. 

Raised By Owls is: 

Sam Strachan – Vocals 

Lee Deane – Drums 

Alex LeGrice – Guitar 

Mark Bainbridge – Guitar 

Tobias Cope – Bass 


no releases


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