Info / Bio / Diskografie / Video / Komentáře
NEÚSTUPNÉ POWER VIOLENCE TORNÁDO!!! Tak toto bude bolet!!! Poprvé, úplně poprvé na Obscene Extreme, ale taky na evropském kontinentu se nám představí tato opravdu legendární kapela. Jedni ze zakladatelů krátkého, rychlého a hlasitého stylu power violence, čtveřice z amerického Burbanku, LACK OF INTEREST!!! Už jsme si mysleli, že LACK OF INTEREST se v Evropě nikdy neukážou, ale nakonec se to povedlo a tito pánové, kteří hrají od roku 1990 a kromě spousty, řekněme, zásadních splitek, kterými styl power violence definovali, mají v diskografii i dvě velké desky, které jsou fandy tohoto stylu stále vyhledávány a ceněny.
Takže tutově dostanete přímý direkt do zubů, když to na Bojišti tato banda rozjede, ale mluví se i nové desce, kterou by měli LACK OF INTEREST v létě na OEF přivézt!!! Nejenže to tedy bude bolet, ale LACK OF INTEREST jako jeden z headlinerů OEF 2025 nás rozpůlí vedví!!!
Lack of Interest is an American powerviolence band formed in 1990 from Los Angeles, California. Raised on 80’s hardcore, (Siege, LARM, INFEST and Youth of Today). Lyrics deal with misanthropy, hopelessness, fighting back against at all odds, self reliance, inner strength and inner demons. The songs are short, focused, and choppy enough to smack you twice and move on before you’ve had a chance to feel the pain.
Lack of Interest have released 2 full length records, and have been part of several split 7” and 12” releases, including splits with Spazz, Bastard Noise, and Weekend Nachos.
LACK OF INTEREST have played countless shows across the United States, including major festivals such as Maryland Deathfest (2x), Short Fast and Loud Fest, Speed Trials, Fiesta Grande, L.A. Murderfest, and the C-YA Fest. They are slated to head over seas to both Europe, Mexico and Japan in 2025.
New songs have been written with the intent to record them in early 2025 for a handful of split releases with Yacopsae, Skiplife, and a few other bands we can't mention as of now.
Band members are:
Mike • Vocals
Bob • Drums
Isaac • Guitar
Kevin • bass
Datum vydání | Název nahrávky | Média |
2013 | Split LP w/ Bastard Noise | |
2012 | Split 7" w/ Weekend Nachos | |
2008 | This Comp Kills Fascists Vol 2 | |
1997 | Split 7" w/Spazz "Double Whammy" | |
1997 | Split 7" w/Stapled Shut | |
1993 | Split 7" w/Slave State | |
0 | Never Back Down LP and CD. Deep Six Records | CD, LP |
0 | Short Fast & Loud Split 7" w/Capitalist Casualties | |
0 | Short Fast & Loud 10th Anniversary Comp. Track: On The Edge Of Clarity | |
0 | Trapped Inside LP and CD. Slap-A-Ham Records | CD, LP |