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SATANOVA LEGIE TEMNOTY!!! Že by svatá válka na Bojišti? Pochopitelně myslíme jen tu hudební, protože kapela, kterou teď představíme, si dala do vínku styl War metal a my jen nevěřícně kroutíme hlavou, jaký je to brutální nářez!!! Duo z americké Virginie, ANTICHRIST SIEGE MACHINE je nejenom temnota sama, ale jejich muziku žene neuvěřitelný náboj, který si nezadá nic s pekelnou válečnou vřavou a kulometnou palbou létajících kulek!!! Chaos, peklo a opravdové zlo srší z jejich opravdu chorobné hudby na sto honů.
ANTICHRIST SIEGE MACHINE vznikli v roce 2016 a od té doby svoji válku proti špinavým praktikám církve nezastavili. To poznáte, když si pustíte některou z jejich absolutně drtících nahrávek!!! Na Obscene Extreme budou tito pekelníci poprvé a věříme, že při jejich setu zavládne na Bojišti inferno!!! SHEMHAMFORASH!!!
As the mighty Evil has come to man, so has the Antichrist Siege Machine summoned darkness with their third LP, “Vengeance of Eternal Fire.” Expanding upon the latent evil in their hearts and inspired by the prophecies of Old, they cast their lot with the demons of Hell. Each track carries the banner of violence and chaos, furthering their commitment to utter brutality.
Antichrist Siege Machine has solidified support within the underground and after a highly successful touring cycle on their previous album, Purifying Blade, set their sights again upon Europe and the rest of the world. Following many sold out shows in Europe and in the United States, including a United Kingdom/Ireland tour with Full of Hell, multiple dates as direct support for Emperor in the U.S., and a co-headlining tour across Europe with Spirit Possession and Many Blessings spanning from Tilburg at Roadburn Festival to Incineration Fest in London. The reception in Europe was astounding thanks to the loyal fans supporting this triumphant siege. The Machine will return soon and promises nothing but the harshest and most aggressive onslaught yet!