dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:





GRINDCOROVÁ BRUSKA!!! Další kapelou na prknech OEF 2025 budou  angličtí maséři PUBLIC EXECUTION!!! Grindcore s velkou příměsí power violence stylu nám toto trio z anglického jiho-východu servíruje od roku 2020, takže by se dalo říct, že PUBLIC EXECUTION jsou zelenáči. Ale není tomu tak, protože týpky z této kapely jste už mohli zahlédnout v bandách jako Black Skies Burn nebo Negative Thought Process.

Nicméně PUBLIC EXECUTION budou drtit na Obscene Extreme svoji premiéru a v době vystoupení budou mít na kontě už druhou dlouhohrající desku!!! Můžeme se těšit na pořádnou dávku grindové syroviny!!!


Based in the South East Of England, UK. Public Execution have been blasting stages with their brutal Grindcore sound since the start of 2020. Influenced by the likes of Napalm Death, Pig Destroyer, Wormrot and Magrudergrind.

The 3 piece noise machine is formed from the ashes of Black Skies Burn and Negative Thought Process, with members currently grinding with Trading Hands and Korrupto.

Blasting with these bands comes with great experience, including festival slots such as Obscene Extreme in the Czech Rep, club shows with Gojira, Sepultura, Chimaira, Vader, tours with Napalm Death, Party Cannon and Extreme Noise Terror and main supports to Suffocation and Cryptopsy.

The debut release "Mullered" has been given high praise since its Feb 23 drop,  with releases on tape in both the UK and US, a physical CD release due out in Australia on leading Grind Label, Grindhead Records and Vinyl planned across multiple labels in Europe. Pushed heavily digitally by Plastic Head Media.

2024 will see the recording and release of "Still Skint" on Brutal State of Grind Records with cover art from Phil Tolfree (Flayed Disciple).

The band have already destroyed stages with Raging Speedhorn, Party Cannon, Mastiff, Divine Chaos, Amputated, Raised By Owls, Crepitation, General Surgery, Bound In Fear, Street Soldier, Postmortem Promises, Viscera Infest, Bloodstock Festival and Many more.

Following Bloodstock we had UK Comedian Ed Gamble share the track Breakfast Cans on Radio X as well as interest from Black Star Amplification for endorsement.. 


Chris Marks - Guitar / Bass

Kyle Townsend - Vocal

Steve Butler-Hart - Drums


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2023 Mullered


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