dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:



GENERAL SURGERY - From The Scalpel To The Drain


GRINDOVÍ DOKTOŘI, VÍTEJTE ZPĚT!!! Otevřete pytle na mrtvoly, přijíždějí GENERAL SURGERY!!! Vám i nám velmi známý kvintet patologů ze země tří korunek se vrací na OEF!!! Lékařské pláště potřísněné krví nám po šesté předvedou nádherné řemeslo patologického grindcore tak, jak ho umí pouze GENERAL SURGERY. Jsou tady s námi už od roku 1988 a asi netřeba připomínat jejich dlouhou cestu undergroundem.

Jejich úspěšný status připomenou letošní reedice jejich dvou velkých desek u francouzských Listenable Records a několik velkých evropských festivalů, z nichž jeden je, jak jinak, Obscene Extreme!!! Máme obrovskou radost, že GENERAL SURGERY budou zpět na Bojišti, protože nás s nimi pojí dlouholeté přátelství a jejich muzika byla a je vždy ta, která všechny a vždy postaví na nohy a zavelí ke zběsilému tanci všech zúčastněných lékařů a sester. Toto si nenecháme ujít!!! Doktoři vítejte zpět!!!


In an effort to remain fiercely ignorant regarding any recent progress in the field of medicine, Sweden’s General Surgery plan on staying the course by continuing to commit musical malpractice in 2025.

Their fifth decade as an unlicensed group of grindcore-based providers will see album refills, live consultations and the as-yet unnamed unveiling of a brand new, high-potency collection of 15 new songs that are currently in the testing phase of production.

This year will see a refill of the 2006 and 2009 albums Left Hand Pathology and Corpus In Extremis: Analysing Necroticism on France’s Listenable Records, and Brazil’s Shadows Records will refill the group’s Bandcamp-only prescriptions — Lay Down And Be Counted and A Legendary Death — on CD.

Telemedicine services suspended, General Surgery will offer several opportunities for live consultations over the course of 2025, including Grindhoven (NL), Obscene Extreme (CZ) and Maryland Deathfest (USA), the latter two of which haven’t booked the band since 2018 and 2016, respectively, due to previous, now-settled investigations regarding the band’s musical negligence.

Finally, the board has approved the announcement of an as-yet untitled new album consisting of 15 deathgrind doses, which will be available for the first time ever without a prescription. The band issued a collective statement regarding this unprecedented achievement:

“Based on extensive research into our specialty of medical-based grindcore, General Surgery remains steadfast in our decision to ensure all new material sounds virtually identical to all previous material.”

The Surgery Team:

Dr Carlsson - guitar

Dr Eriksson - bass, vox 

Dr Mitroulis - drums, vox 

Dr Sahlström - lead vox

Dr Skytt - guitar


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2025 A Legendary Death/Lay Down and Be Counted compilation CD
2023 Volume Gore - Formative Forensic Transgressions compilation CD
2021 Lay Down and Be Counted Digital EP
2021 A Legendary Death Digital EP
2017 General Surgery / Bodybag Split LP
2012 A Collection of Depravation compilation CD, LP
2012 Like an Ever Flying Limb 7” EP
2011 Necrology 10" re-issue
2009 Corpus In Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism
2009 General Surgery / Butcher ABC Split CD CD
2006 Left Hand Pathology
2005 Demo DEMO
2004 Demos - Double 7″ EP
2004 General Surgery / The County Medical Examiners LP
2004 General Surgery / Filth - Split 7″ EP
2003 General Surgery / The County Medical Examiners CD
1993 Necrology - CD, cassette and Limited Edition Poster CD
1991 Necrology - Vinyl 7″
1990 Internecine Prurience - Rehearsal demo September
1990 Pestisferous Anthropophagia - Demo 2 April
1990 Erosive Offals - Demo 1 March


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