dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:





SEVERE TORTURE - HOLANDSKÁ ODPOVĚĎ NA SMRT!!! Tahle holandská partička se na prknech OEF už jednou objevila, a to v době, kdy prorazila na scénu se svým zabijáckým debutem "Feasting on Blood", tedy v roce 2000. Od té doby maniaci, poskládaní z útržků jmen jiných významných, domácích kapel, s láskou k death metalu tavili tento tvrdý kov do krásy. Navzdory kruté dokonalosti jejich tvorby se po nich o 10 let později, po vydání dalších 4 monstrózních alb, nečekaně slehla zem. Ta se však začala znovu otřásat v roce 2022, kdy chlapíci vyvrhli EP a o dva roky později brutální šesté řadové album mnohými nominované na album roku.

Přestože tahle ukrutně nedoceněná mašina opět metá lávové plameny, ne každý fanoušek se může pochlubit, že měl v minulosti možnost vidět jejich set naživo. Ta šance pro vás právě přichází, protože si nacvičili staré vály a těší se, že vám představí novinku, která je neuvěřitelným adeptem na budoucí legendární album! Nenechte si ujít tento nezapomenutelný zážitek, uvidíme se tam!!!


For over 25 years, Severe Torture has embodied the ethos of Brutal. Death. Metal. A genre-defining titan, they’ve held a commanding presence in the metal universe since 1997, blending intense performances with a relentless commitment to their visceral, raw sound.

Born from the bowels of the Dutch underground, the band emerged onto the world stage with their debut album Feasng On Blood, hailed as an epic watershed in the nascent wave of brutal death metal in 2001. Their hard-hittng, merciless sound has since rippled across North and South America, Europe, and Mexico; their trail marked by five ground-breaking releases over the past quarter- century.

Remaining relevant in the ever-evolving realm of metal is no small feat, a task Severe Torture met by con????nuously levelling up. In pursuit of rejuvenation and to capture the aggression and energy befitting of a new era, they amicably parted ways with original drummer Seth in 2018, bringing Damiën Kerpentier into the fold. The move signified a new chapter for the seasoned ensemble, marking a seismic shift that breathed fresh air into their creative process, leading to some of their darkest, most profound work yet.

This invigorated spirit came to life in 2022 with the release of the EP Fisng The Sockets – the band's first release in an astounding 12 years. The record served as a triumphant herald for their resurgence, re-signing with Season of Mist and rekindling the flame of their brutal origins amidst a pandemic-stricken world.

Now, in 2024, Severe Torture is set to escalate to new heights of sonic savagery with their sixth full- length album, Torn from the Jaws of Death. Recorded at the infamous Torture Compound Studios, the album stands as a testament to the raw energy, blood, sweat, and relentless brutality that the band represents.


From the aggressive whirlwind of riffs in The Death of Everything, to the haunting black metal nuances of the title track Torn from the Jaws of Death, the album is a death metal cogitation on murder, torture, and the madness of organized religions. Crafted with an unwavering commitment to the genre, Torn from the Jaws of Death is a grim reflection of the world, drenched in the band’s signature brutal death metal sound.

As the anticipation mounts for the release of Torn from the Jaws of Death, you can be sure Severe Torture remains alive and thriving in the heart of brutal death metal, pushing boundaries, and refusing to bow to conventions. A quarter-century in, these stalwarts of the scene are just getting started. Stay tuned to witness their relentless progression as they continue their incessant march through the annals of metal history.

Severe Torture is:

Patrick Boleij – Bass
Thijs van Laarhoven – Guitars Left 

Dennis Scheurs – Vocals
Damiën Kerpentier – Drums
Marvin Vriesde – Guitars Right & Leads


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2024 Torn from the Jaws of Death
2010 Slaughtered
2007 Sworn Vengeance
2005 Fall of the Despised
2002 Misanthropic Carnage
2000 Feasting on Blood


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