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PSYCHONEUROSIS - Second Category Man


Máme tady další z návratů v grindcorové obci. Polský band PSYCHONEUROSIS po velmi aktivním období mezi lety 1991 a 2001, kdy odehrál spousty koncertů a vydal ještě víc nahrávek, se díky pracovním povinnostem členů kapely rozpadnul.

Nikdo už nemyslel, že by se dali chlapi dohromady, ale zprávy z jejich tábora jsou jasné. Od roku 2016 opět aktivní, jeden z nejstarších polských grindcore buldozerů a my jsme rádi, že je můžeme pozvat na prkna OEF 2017!!!


Psychoneurosis was established in September 1991.We had  highs and lows,wonderful and terrible days,like probably ever band in early days.The problems were connected with frequents of the group’s members.In spite of differences in favourite kind of music among bands members we’ve finally come to agreement in recording new tracks.This revealed as a nice mixture grind core and crust/punk .We hope you find it as a original and interesting music.There are many changes in texts.They are more engaged and serious.We have played concerts so far. They were shown in Poland,Czech Rep.and Slovakia.The last concert played in Debica 21.04.2001.After 15 years, Sonia/vox/ decided to reactivate the band. He invited to cooperate  Jasiu/old Psychoneurosis drummer/ and Laski/ guitarist in Bottom/And so here we are.We return again from the grind retirement.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2007 Dead but Not Forgotten - 10 Years on the Frontline –Discography CD
2000 Life for Money -7’’EP EP
2000 Psychoneurosis / Injustice System / Rabies / Slaves of System- 4 way split tape
2000 Psychoneurosis / Perpetual -split tape
2000 S.A.A.E.I. / Psychoneurosis -split cd-r CD
2000 Brutal Insanity/Psychoneurosis -split 7”EP EP
2000 Dikat/Godless Truth/Fuck the Facts/Psychoneurosis/C.A.D. -5 way split tape
1999 Miserable Failure / Psychoneurosis -split tape
1999 Psychoneurosis/Lunatic Asylum -split tape
1998 Co się dzieje z naszymi pieniędzmi? MC (TAPE)
1998 Ag/Malignant tumour/Psychoneurosis -3 way split tape1998
1998 Psychoneurosis / Social Deformity -split tape1998
1995 Asylum for... MC (TAPE)
1995 Violent Headache / Psychoneurosis -split tape
1995 Psychoneurosis/Ipekakuana-split tape
1994 This Also Man DEMO
1992 Official Rehearsal-tape
1992 Psychoneurosis/Descarga Nociva-split tape
1992 Psychoneurosis / Grossmember -split tape


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