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INCANTATION - INCANTATION - Rites of the Locust.mp3

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The blasphemous demons, fronted by John McEntee, will be once again returning to desecrate Trutnov after four years absence. It`s more than likely they have been hard at work forging brand new terrifying stuff with sharp spikes and hot irons. Have you ever heard a bad song by INCANTATION? Surely not! Just the thought of old era with Onward to Golgotha, Mortal Throne of Nazarene, Diabolical Conquest or The Infernal Storm shall make you faint with excitement.

Their music is so unholy that even after 11 albums they are still so strong that the sulphur of time under their feet cannot burn them. Don’t believe me? Then let their satanic qualities persuade you as soon as the first filthy tones of the mighty INCANTATION start resonating the Battlefield!!!


A megalith of the death metal underground whose New York scene association, aside the pioneers of the genre, head into a new chapter. Ever precise to their origins the band has witnessed and experienced the ebb and flow of the scene they helped create.

Whether due to giving their support by providing some their first tour experience. Or having that equaled playing with such an array of musicians and bands in and outside the confines of the band. With 10 studio albums, videos even a TV commercial. Numerous releases being in the form of demo cassettes, 7 inches, LP, CD dedication still holds true with tireless effort. Hall of Fame, Top 10 lists honoring their discography through publications, internet and radio.

Having gathered supporters and fans all along the 25 year journey. Circles devoted to all/specific eras or an audience's first encounter. Incantation has crushed venues, festivals, and clubs with their rabid attendance. From North, Central and South America. Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia or Japan all have welcomed the inferno that scorched their lands.

For a quarter century now we've been creating blasphemous death metal and still our indulgence is eternal........ Under the Ibex Moon!


Release date Release name Media
2017 Profane Nexus
2017 Rotting Spiritual Embodiment
2016 XXV
2016 Unholy Massacre
2014 Dirges of Elysium CD, LP
2013 Reh & Live 1990 / Jesus Spawn - split
2012 Vanquish in Vengeance CD
2012 Degeneration - singl
2011 Afterparty Massacre - split
2010 Scapegoat 7" EP
2010 Scapegoat - singl
2008 Blasphemous Cremation CD, EP
2006 Primordial Domination CD, LP
2006 Thieves of the Cloth EP
2006 Thieves of the Cloth - singl
2004 Decimate Christendom CD
2004 Relapse Singles Series Vol.3 - split
2002 Blasphemy CD
2002 Live Blasphemy in Brazil Tour 2001 CD
2002 Relapse Singles Series Vol.1 - split
2000 The Infernal Storm CD
1998 Diabolical Conquest CD
1997 The Forsaken Mourning of Angelic Anguish CD, EP
1997 Tribute to the Goat CD
1995 Upon the Throne of Apocalypse CD
1994 Mortal Throne of Nazarene CD
1992 Onward to Golgotha CD
1991 Deliverance of Horrific Prophecies EP
1990 Entrantment of Evil EP


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