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CATHETER United States


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Being one of the most hardworking and constantly touring grindcore bands out of Denver, Colorado, this summer CATHETER will come back to Europe for the third time. With new bass player as well as new singer Nate (BLACK MARKET FETUS) the great foursome is ready to blow away all their European fans on the stage of Obscene Extreme Festival 2010. Those who have seen the band on the European tours back in 2003 and 2005 know what to expect, the rest of you who are beyond belief CATHETER will demonstrate what true grindcore is. If you dig Repulsion, Phobia, old good Napalm Death, S.O.B., Terrorizer, Nausea (L.A.) then you can't miss them! Moreover the quartet is working on their third full length to be released right on the European tour. 303 GRINDCORE!!!


Catheter was originally vomited upon the earth in 1997 in the form of a crustcore band with metal influences as heard on the first demo tape "Drinking With the Devil". A split LP/CD with Laughing Dog was released next which where catheter started to mix elements of doom and grindcore. After the release a full scale East Coast tour reinforced the seriousness of the band as well as helped them mark there spot as one of the worlds Grindcore elite. After the tour Catheter went back into te studio to record the "INRI" 7" for HeadFucker Records which started to draw an international appeal. Since then there have been many Full scale Tours of the U.S. Canada & Mexico also making the Leap over the pond to do 2 Full scale European tour. Catheter formed the trademarked southwest doom violence sound. "Preamble to Oblivion" LP/CD on Six Weeks/SelfMadeGod was the first full length LP, "Dimension 303" on 303records/ Selfmadegod was the second full length, and a slew of releases would follow: Split 10" w/Massgrave and many other split 7"s comp trax etc. for a full discography and more info check out http://www.myspace.com/catheter There have been many line-up variations over the past 13 years of Catheter but here is the current line-up of sinners: H Murder: Drums + B Vox, Jeff Montoya: Gits + B Vox, Nate Fetus: Vox, Ethan Mcarthy: Bass. Over the years Catheter has played and toured with many bands such as: Unholy Grave, Massgrave (Canada), Municipal Waste, Weedeater, Black Market Fetus, Entrails Massacre, Noisear, Wasteoid, Cephalic Carnage, Nunslaughter, EYEHATEGOD, as well as took part in playing Maryland Death fest in both 2006 and 2009 and now the time has come to make an appearance at the OEF!!!


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