dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:





Skandinávské kapely na Obscene Extreme Festivalu jsou téměř 100% zárukou kvality a zábavy. Ať už jde o grind / death metal spolky nebo punkovější smečky. Letos tomu nebude jinak. MAKABERT FYND pocházejí ze Stockholmu a svůj käng provozují od r. 2008.


Po několika personálních změnách se jejich sestava ustálila (nyní se ex-členy kapel jako Krigshot, Totalitär nebo Skitsystem) a v posledních letech pilně koncertují, obrážejí v dodávce Evropu a nahrávají a vydávají desky seč jim jejich vetché kosti stačí (desky u Yellow Dog Record nebo D-Takt & Raw Punk Records budiž toho důkazem). Kdo má rád klasický skandinávský hardcore alá Mob 47 nebo Totaliär bude zajisté velice potěšen!!!


Formed in Stockholm, Sweden, the members of Makabert Fynd first got together in 2008 to play a little. It was just meant to be a sideprojekt since the members all were in other bands at the time. With two lead singers and a three-piece punk band to back them up, Makabert Fynd quickly made a positive impression on the crowds at their first gigs. Playing furious classic hardcore/scandi-style with Poffen (the voice of Totalitär, Krigshot etc...) being one of the singers they recorded their first 7" released on the American label Flat Black Records. Shortly after that another 7" was released and then the debut LP "Onskans Natur". At this point Makabert Fynd had started to tour and play a lot of live shows so some of the original members had to leave because they were already busy playing in bands like Vicious Art and Crucifyre. Kalle (drummer boy from Skitsystem) was recruited.


A west coast American tour followed as well as three more European tours. Another two LP's were made and a split LP. Add to that several more 7”s! Being real busy as a band a fourth album is in the making and will be out right on time for OEF 2013. When Makabert Fynd take their raging hardcore-punk attack to the Czech Republic this summer make sure you'll be there!


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2012 Turist I Tillvaron Vol.4 CD
2012 Ondskans Flint - Ondskans Flint EP
2011 Makabert Fynd / Tortyr 7” Split EP EP
2011 Glöm Dä! / Makabert Fynd Split 12” LP
2011 Makabert Fynd ‎– S/T LP LP


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