dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:

  • VILE

VILE United States

VILE - Depopulate


VILE - REINKARNACE ODPORNÉHO ZÁRODKU!!! VILE není jen album od Cannibal Corpse. Avšak zůstáváme v USA a u death metalu. Z Kalifornie k nám přicválají VILE, kteří své brutální, deathmetalové kořeny překopali od základů a posunuli se k tradičnějšímu death metalu, řádně líznutému techničtější melodikou. Melodika v americkém DM zní úplně jinak než ta evropská, to mi jistě dáte za pravdu. Není tak lepkavá, je těžkotonážní a tělesné tekutiny z ní vytékají jako z krvavého steaku. Jejich poslední a přelomové album "Metamorphosis" vyšlo v roce 2011 a Colin jako jediný stálý člen k sobě neustále lákal hvězdná jména a v sestavě se mihli neskuteční borci.

I proto se nemůžeme dočkat, koho s sebou dovleče na prkna OEF. Ať už máte raději brutální éru jejich neskutečného alba "Depopulate" nebo tu melodičtější, VILE vám toho naloží, kolik se do vás vejde a pro vaši osobní bezpečnost by bylo nejlepší, být připraveni na všechno!!!


Classic California Death Metal - founded 1996. VILE is respected as a top quality and original band within the second wave of American death metal music, alongside acts such as Origin, Nile and Deeds of Flesh. VILE was influenced by death metal pioneers such as Morbid Angel, Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse, but they have a distinctive sound that makes them unique within the genre. They mix technical prowess with catchy song writing and a deep sense of groove. You can find them on the “Map of Metal.”

VILE was founded by members of Bay Area bands who wanted to play serious and professional death metal at a time when the Bay Area was suffering from a lack of good extreme metal acts. VILE rose in the ranks quickly due to their tight musicianship and unique sound. 

The band networked across the world’s extreme metal community through fan zines, street promotion and snail mail, then received a boost when members of Cannibal Corpse praised the band and wore their T-shirts in publicity shots. 

VILE recorded two demos and their debut CD “Stench of the Deceased” in the first three years, then were picked up by Relapse Records, through A&R man Andy Hozner. A set back soon followed when the band lost their drummer and had to pause recording of their second album Depopulate to find a replacement. In the meantime, Relapse took a turn in priorities and the band was released from contract. 

After an intense search and a suggestion from Derek Boyer of Deprecated (now Suffocation) VILE recruited drummer Tyson Jupin in 2000 and Listenable Records (FR) picked up the band and progress continued. The band also signed a North American deal with Unique Leader Records. Sales and fan respect for Depopulate through both labels was exceptional within the genre. This was still before the years of internet downloading and YouTube! VILE recorded their third album The New Age of Chaos in 2005, which was also highly acclaimed in extreme metal media. 

In the late 90’s VILE toured the U.S. with label mates Deeds of Flesh and then toured Europe as a headliner in 2003 with Disavowed, Mangled, Inhume and Spawn of Possession. Between 1996 and 2013 VILE toured the U.S. and Europe multiple times each, played several Milwaukee Metalfests and notably, toured North America in 2004 with Cannibal Corpse thanks to CC’s Alex Webster and George Fisher who always supported the band. 

VILE has so far released four studio albums and one compilation album of rare tracks with labels Listenable, Unique Leader, Willowtip and Hammerheart. Founding guitarist and mastering engineer Colin Davis remains the band’s only original member. 

VILE was quiet for nearly a decade after their 2013 tour of Japan as Davis focused on his Imperial Mastering studio.  In 2023, VILE returned to the scene beginning with the Chicago Domination Fest in July and then Deathfeast in Germany and other shows and festivals in The Netherlands, France, Germany and Czech Republic.  

Guitarist and founder Colin Davis has stated that VILE will again be touring internationally full time going forward.   

2023 lineup:

Colin Davis - Guitar, founder

Justin Sakogawa - Lead Guitar

Flo Pruvost - Vocals

Alex Giorgi - Bass

Darren Cesca - Drums


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2021 Depopulate vinyl
2020 Stench of the Deceased vinyl
2012 Rare Tracks
2011 Metamorphosis
2005 The New Age of Chaos
2002 Depopulate
1999 Stench of the Deceased


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