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HAIL OF RAGE United States

HAIL OF RAGE - Amorality


SKVĚLÝ RODOKMEN ZUŘIVÉHO CRUST GRINDCORE!!! Pod vlajkou crust grindového šílenství tady máme zástupce ze Spojených států amerických, HAIL OF RAGE!!! Bandu, která vznikla v devadesátých letech, ve zlaté době amerického zuřivého hardcore a tak to taky zní!!! I když HAIL OF RAGE byli dlouho u ledu, hlavní mozek Joe po skoro třech dekádách kapelu reinkarnuje a obklopil se skvělými muzikanty. Grindovými veterány Chrisem a Brianem z Endorphins Lost, Robem ze Scourge Schematic a to vše podporují nasraným intenzivním řevem Brandona a Krysta. A toto je přece skvělý rodokmen!!!

Při poslechu HAIL OF RAGE na mysl vyvstává jistá podobnost s legendárními Disrupt, protože energie a nasazeni HAIL OF RAGE je odzbrojující a přesně taková, jakou si představujeme u borců ze staré školy!!! HAIL OF RAGE, vítejte poprvé na Obscene Extreme!!!


It was the early 90’s and an unassuming, small industrial town know as Torrington Connecticut was producing more that just its share of pollutants…It was harboring some of the most ferocious hardcore bands of the time. Among this din were Hail Of Rage. Capturing the speed and brutality of Death Metal and the simplicity and raw energy of Hardcore Punk, they composed a barrage of short, vicious and catchy songs with lyrics revolving around the religious institution, social discrimination and animal injustice. The music was urgent, feral, vitriolic and absolutely unhinged. Setting a high bar for future bands breaking into the underground Hardcore scene. Unfortunately, the initial form of the band would be short lived. After only two live shows, two EP releases and assorted compilation tracks, they disbanded to the wind; and the grinding terror in upper new England fell silent. A discography was released in the years that followed.

Nearly three decades later, the venomous spirit of ripping fury reemerged in yet another wasteland of sorts. A new iteration of the band was formed in Seattle Washington with the core member of the original lineup Joe Rizzi at the helm. Filling out the personnel with a rhythm section of long standing Grind veterans Brian Spenser and Chris Napolitano of Endorphins Lost along with the addition of second guitarist Rob Beebe of Scourge Schematic bringing a more massive and aggressive sound to the band. Ramping up the hostility yet again is the rapid fire dual vocal assault of Brandon Hayden (Endorphins Lost) and Krysta Martinez of Transient/Landmine Marathon. This alliance has made Hail into something of a supergroup in the world of Grinding Crustcore and the long lost Torrington terror has become a Pacific Northwest tyrant that is now more incendiary than ever. 

The new sounds pick up where the band left off writing riff heavy swift and manic assaults that one would come to expect from members with a pedigree of violent compositions. The utilization of two standalone vocalists makes for a polyrhythmic volley of hatred and contempt for the state of our crumbling society. Continuing to write venomous, bull dozing songs along with the classic Grind/Crust crushers of the 90’s catalogue, Hail of Rage remains a face breaking contender in the realm of Hardcore Punk and after long years in the darkness have come to the surface with a burning wrath… Forever Fucking Pissed.


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