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UNIDAD TRAUMA - Alquimia Forense


Rok 2019 byl pro tyto undergroundové mediky zvláštní. Série nešťastných událostí postihla jejich bývalou praxi Thanatology, kterou jste mohli vidět operovat v roce 2018 i na Bojišti a přiměla ji náhle zavřít své zašlé dveře. Zbylé lékaře však nemohla ze světa medicíny vytrhnout silná potřeba pokračovat v jejich práci. Rychle se objevily plány na vytvoření nové praxe s názvem UNIDAD TRAUMA, v níž by čtyři mladí lékaři mohli ukojit svou touhu po objevování nových lékařských poznatků.

Krátký report z jejich operačních zákroků budeme moci shlédnout i my na prknech Obscene Extreme festivalu!!! Přesné řezy skalpelem v rytmu grind deathového běsnění je přesně to, co nám UNIDAD TRAUMA přivezou!!! Všichni ostatní v moshpitu jsme na druhé straně skalpelu!!!


2019 was a strange year for underground medicine in Tijuana, Baja California. A series of unfortunate events befell one of the most infamous medical practices in all of Mexico, causing it to abruptly shutter its seedy doors, effectively halting its progress on questionable medical techniques and research. However, the fierce need within the remaining doctors to continue their work could not be excised from the world of medicine. Plans were quickly brought forth to create a new practice in which the fouryoung doctors' thirst for the discovery of new sinister medical knowledge could be quenched.

By mid-2019, the entity now known as UNIDAD TRAUMA had already begun to enter the ears of the populace both Mexico and the United States. Stories began circulating regarding a group of so-called “medical practitioners” who would give dissertations in the form of a harsh musical assault to those with an unhealthy curiosity for occult medicine.A tour with Cattle Decapitation, as well as a tour of Mexico’s most populace cities commenced, culminating in an apperance at Masters Of Grind in Belgium alongside acts such as Birdflesh, General Surgery, Cattle Decapitation, and Agathocles. Unfortunately, world events related to the global pandemic caused the postponement of UNIDAD TRAUMA’s largest performance yet at Domination Festival in Mexico City, as well as other planned Mexican and US tour dates. The doctors then surmised that the best course of action during the pandemic would be acquire multiple test subjects andlock themselves in their clinic in Tijuana… scheming and toiling away, surgically sculpting  the material that single and music video for “Cenotafio”, multiple live sessions, as well as the material for their debut release “Arte Médica Sinestra”, on Concreto Records. Since then, the band has been busy touring the United States and Mexico, most notably with acts such as Brujeria and Goatwhore in 2022, and also dropped a new single and video for “Devorador”.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2022 Devorador-Single
2021 Arte Médica Sinestra EP
2020 Cenotafio-Single
2019 El Crudo Acto Del Teatro Mudo- Single


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