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EVASOR - El Precio


Latinská Amerika a její kapely nás nikdy neomrzí, proto tady máme další bandu z těchto končin a tím je Chilské trio antifa thrash punkerů EVASOR!!! Drsná, hrubá jízda mixu thrashe a punkových postupů, velmi chytlavých, akorát tak do skoku pro kotel na Bojišti!!! EVASOR je poměrně mladá kapela, která vznikla v roce 2019, ale její naštvaný styl, který jde ruku v ruce se skvělými muzikantskými výkony, z ní dělá velký příslib do budoucna.

Jejich EP "Cocaina Vegan" je toho kurevským důkazem. EVASOR budou v roce 2023 brázdit Evropou a je skvělé, že nám David, Pablo a José přijedou zahrát poprvé i na Bojiště!!! Přivítejme je, jak se patří!!!


The band was born in mid-2019 when José Tomás Riquelme (Üden, Faltan Moneys) began to compose the songs for what would be the first democalled "Born to be a Larva". which he recorded alone in his home studio. He contacted Pablo Santidrián (Ex Vadca, Sin Salida, Zaumerio en la Tumba)with whom they had already played in a band before called "Levantamuerto" and Evasor was born.

After a few months of rehearsing and composing, David Urbina joins the band to complete the formation.

In 2020 we were invited to participate in the "KDR Proud" label, which in collaboration with "Ultrasonic Studies" recorded the EP called "Cocaína Vegan"which contains 3 songs from the Demo "Born to be a Larva" but this time recorded with a full band.

2022 was an excellent year in terms of shows and opportunities, which will take the band on a European tour next June 2023.

Currently the band is composing, rehearsing and recording their next job.

Evasor is:

David "Dacovid" Urbina (Bass).

Pablo "Ligua" Santidrián (Drums).

José Tomás "Pollo" Riquelme (Guitar/Voice).


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2020 Cocaína Vegan EP
2019 Born to be a Larva DEMO


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