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Špatné zprávy k nám dorazily z USA!!! WEHRMACHT/SPAZZTIC BLUR je zrušeno!!!

Čertužel, celé pečlivě naplánované turné amerických kapel WEHRMACHT a SPAZZTIC BLUR je zrušeno... podle všeho se velice vyhrotila situace kolem kapely WEHRMACHT a zatím to vypadá, že se celá kapela nadobro rozešla... více v emailu od promotéra celého turné Bilose...

Hi guys,

Bilos here. I am very sorry that I have to say that terrible news, but the whole tour we were working on, it is now CANCELLEDand it wont be anymore. It´s same shock for me as would be for you, but after many troubles when I have to struggle with bands name change and some more stupid things, they wrote me a small note about band splits for good. 

Here it is:

Wehrmacht has officially broken up and will no longer be a band. Thank you for all of your work Bilos. I am very sorry it did not work out. I expect Marco to make a post about the situation soon.

So you can see there is no way to do anything about it. Trust me, that I am very upset and angry, after working on it and sorting out their troubles (oh yes, latest one was to find for Wehrmacht and Spazztic blurr an european musicians few days ago, as half of the bands refuse to go on tour).

So I please you, cancell the event at your website (festivals, please delete all bands from your set lists, posters and news)...

I am definitely out of this now and will not be cooperating with those people anymore. 

Bands EXORCIZPHOBIA and FINAL FLAG are really not in the case...they were ready to tour and play, but if headliner cancell, tour make no sense then...

If you need to know more details, write me, but I guess you all know what happend and how troubled it all was.

I hope that you wont be much angry on me as i am on them and we can cooperate in future on better projects or with my own band.

Once again I am very sorry, but it´s not in my hands!!!

Have a nice day.