It's incredible to me how far OEF has come! You guys are great and I am thankful for every single year that has brought us to this point! Thanks to all the fans, thanks to all the bands that have played at OEF, thanks to everyone who have been helping with the organization, thanks to my family for putting up with this OEF madness!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
OEF is definitely a festival with a difference, so let's do together a little something extra. I myself have everything I ever wanted, but to change someone's life is a total privilege and something you can never be tired of. My greatest gift are our passionate fans, who will be talking about this volume for years to come! Thank you for your support!!! It's not a platitude, without you OEF would never be where it is! You have made it what it is, thank you! If you've been thinking about a present for me, you know for sure that I have pretty much everything, but I would like to ask you to support Vicky!!! Victoria is just a fighter and even though she's battling SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), she's currently been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Vicky goes to the first grade where she thrives and she loves English!!! She would like to learn French and Japanese!!!!
She needs a new electric wheelchair and we'll just buy it!!! If you want to donate, there is a transparent account (IBAN - CZ8020100000002701330503) here or we will have a money box at the Grind Market for this brave warrior at the fest!!!
Enjoy OEF!!!"
Humbly and gratefully,