This Hamburg-based quintet was established in 2014 to quickly get them to the top death metal acts through intensive concert activities after their 2017′s debut album "Flesh Hammer Prophecy". Their Entombed cover "Supposed to Rot" and Bolt Thrower’s cover "Powder Burns" were tributes to their inspirations and showed what their music will bring. A mixture of brutality, melody and swedish quitar sound became their trademark, which got them signed by Metal Blade Records for their second album "The Harvest".
Their new album "Mount Carcass" comes with powerful swedish death metal quitar sound that brings back the memories of Dismember’s "Death Metal" album. However, with spicing up their music with some catchy melodic lines and complex drumming, ENDSEEKER developed its own distinct sound. Get ready to be torn apart - the OEF moshpit will be shredded into pieces!!!