dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:



SUPRESSOR - Asesino por naturaleza


SUPPRESSOR death metal band formed in La Paz - Bolivia, initially under the name "Death Rules", born with Ramiro (on drums), Jorge and Jose Maria (on guitars), and subsequently for 2005 is consolidated with Oscar (voice) and Ramiro J. (bass), with most of the members from different projects and local scene bands, with the view of forming and consolidating a totally serious project with own compositions , extreme and totally aggressive, rescuing the force and originality of old school Death Metal. So this way is embarking shares during the 2005, 2006 and 2007 in several concerts on the local scene, sharing the stage with different national and international bands. "Enterrado Vivo (Buried alive)" 2007: At the end of 2007 was recorded the first demo Supressor "Buried Alive", with 5 new songs, which were composed and arranged by the band, is chosen as the recording studio Power Sound Studios. The demo was promoted nationwide getting a very good response and acceptance of the Bolivian scene. "Suppressor - Suppressor" 2010: In early 2010 Suppressor decided to record their first full length giving the name of the band the album "Supressor - Supressor," this is chosen for one of the best studies of La Paz "Digital Audio Studios" where the band recorded 6 new songs. The disc was manufactured in Peru Laser Disc, thereby obtaining 100% original disc with high sound quality. In October 2010 after a process of inner purification, Suppressor presents its new alignment with Jorge and Jose Maria on vocals and guitars, Mauricio in the bass guitar and Ramiro on drums. "Devocion a la Muerte (Devotion to Death)" 2014. Recorded and mastered in "Demencial Records Bolivia" in late 2013, is the new material Suppressor, with which it seeks to consolidate the band with a sound and style. The album contains five new brutal songs, through which the band reaffirms its devotion to Death Metal. This material was manufactured in Peru, it comes in Digipak format 100% original and is available since May 23, 2014.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2013 Asesino por Naturaleza CD
2010 Supressor CD
2007 Enterrado Vivo DEMO


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