Info / Bio / Diskografie / Video / Komentáře
Scratch Bulb was born at mid 2014. Invest by the desire of spreading the Disease, Hate, Death and Sin, the four guys are doing their best to produce some nervous, loud music. Mixing various influences from ther musicians, the band grows its own original tracks and survived of the recording of its first demo. Recorded at the Volcano Studio, 5 fat hazy titles came out after six months of work – and a good cough. From Entombed to Ratos de ¨Porao, passing through Acid Bath or EyeHateGod, the band does'nt limit itself in terms of distorted sounds. As a damned outgrowth phobical from the old dirty Blue Waffle, the band evolves in the depths of sludge/grind to an exceptional doom/crossover !!Discography
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