dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:



DISEASE - Disease-Air_Raid.mp3


Formed in 2012 , just with one idea on mind , to keep the work and deed of Kawakami and Disclose. D-beat raw punk as it should be played, fast , noisy and raw as a chainsaw. So far 14 releases , 2 LP's , 3 EP's ,but also few CDR's and tape releases. Alot of Split releases with bands from Sweden , Brasil , Greece , USA , Serbia and more . 2 European tours so far and in October 2017 hitting the road for 54 days all around Europe. Meanwhile working on a split EP release with Besthoven from Brasil and an LP split with Earth Crust Displacement from Germany . Hard Core believers in NOISE NOT MUSIC ATTITUDE


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2017 Dis Nightmare Will Never End... LP
2017 Desperate Screams Discography 2014-2017 MC (TAPE)
2016 We Lose Everything MC (TAPE)
2016 Neverending War Crimes LP
2016 Destructive Noise Raid EP
2015 The Nightmare Is Real EP
2015 Apocalypse Of Chaos EP
2014 The Slaughterhouse CD, LP
2014 Atrocities Of War MC (TAPE)
2013 The Living Hell CD, EP
2013 Another Nuclear Age CD, DOWNLOAD, MC (TAPE)
2013 ...till there's nothing left... CD, DOWNLOAD, MC (TAPE)
2013 D-Beat Raw Hell DEMO, DOWNLOAD
2012 On The Battlefield CD, EP


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