Yes, those AUTOPSY who are responsible for absolutely legendary recordings like "Severed Survival", "Mental Funeral" and other gems that will forever be written in the golden annals of extreme music!!! Exactly those AUTOPSY, who were one of the first and whose death metal is so incredibly and fundamentally rotten that you won't find another such band in the whole world that plays death metal with such speed up and matter of course.
AUTOPSY whose hallmark is the hellishly horrific voice of drummer Chris Reifert, the crushing yet morbidly melodic guitars of Danny Coralles and Eric Cutler, and the gut-wrenching bass of Greg Wilkinson!!! These are the AUTOPSY who undoubtedly belong on the OEF stage to show us clearly who is the master of their craft here and burn it to the ground!!! Because AUTOPSY will left Battlefield with charred torsos instead of bodies!!!