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TERVEET KÄDET - Puolentunnin helvetti


LEGENDARY HARDCORE PUNK SPEED FINALLY ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!! The legendary band from the land of a thousand lakes that started their journey in 1980 and influenced bands and musicians all over the world!!! Yes, it's none other than the Lapland madmen from Tornio, TERVEET KÄDET!!! The band around the only original member, the singer Läja, has gone through break-ups, comebacks, changed a lot of musicians, but in the meanwhile recorded a huge number of albums and various other recordings!!! The band exists sporadically even today, but they do occasionally play concerts, so their performance at the annual OEF 2023 will be very special!!!

After cancelling their 2020 show, we are jumping in joy that we were able to bring these hardcore Eskimos to the Battlefield!!! Furious speed, harsh vocals, Finnish hardcore punk… so what else do you want to hear????!!! TERVEET KÄDET at OEF 2023!!!


Terveet Kädet plays gigs with the same band members as in Lapin Helvetti thats why Facebookpage is for both. Läjä, vocal, is the original Terveet Kädet member since 1979 or so. I (Lene) havebeen playing since 1990 (i had couple of breaks oct 1998 – jun 2000 and jul 2011 – oct 2015), ihave played bass, guitar and drums in the band, now i’m in bass again. Ilari, guitar, has beenplaying in TK since 2006 (if I remember it right). Samppa joined in TK via Lapin Helvettiassignment in 2016.

Current line-up for Terveet Kädet is:

Läjä (Veli-Matti Äijälä): vocal

Lene (Markku Leinonen): bass

Ilari (Ilari Kinnunen): guitar

Samppa (Samu-Severi Kinnunen): drums


Release date Release name Media
2019 TK Pop 1980-1989 ( CD, LP
2016 UGH!!! Terveet Kädet elävänä CD, LP
2015 Lapin helvetti CD, LP
2012 Musta hetki CD, LP
2012 UGH!!! Terveet Kädet elävänä CD, LP
2009 Ihmisen poika, pedon poika CD
2007 Ääretön Propaganda EP, LP
2006 Pissaa ja paskaa CD
2002 Onnellisia Kytkentöjä 1980-2000 CD
2002 Deep Wounds CD
2000 Non Ultra Descriptica CD
1999 The Ultimate Pain CD
1999 Ääretön Propaganda CD
1998 Leather Enslavement LP
1997 Doomed Alien Race CD
1996 Hardcore Brutality CD
1996 Kumia Ja Verta - 1987 Kokoelma CD
1995 Pahan voima
1995 Bondage And Anguished Life
1995 Sign of the cross CD
1994 The Horse
1992 Bizarre Domination
1991 Six Song
1991 Slow Promotion
1990 Unkind
1990 Message
1989 Anno Domini
1989 Live Kemi 1982
1988 Oma koloni
1985 The Horse LP
1984 Black God LP
1984 Knock-out
1984 Yalta Hi-Life LP
1983 Kädet Suojelee
1983 Terveet Kädet LP
1983 Halloween ( LP
1982 Ääretön joulu
1981 II
1980 Rock laahausta vastaan


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