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SEPSIS Czech Republic

SEPSIS - In Corpse of Society

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The band was established at the end of 2002 by band leader and bass player Jirka " Hami " Haramul with the help of guitarist Jiri Kůs and drummer Jana Spilkova. Guitarist and drummer Pavel Fiala joined the band later, but soon was replaced by Honza Pernicka on the post of drummer and at the same time by Jirka Vataha on the post of guitarist. Approximately one year later new guitarist Honza Tomandl joined the band. In these early days the band was deeply influenced by oldschool black/death metal bands. You can recognize it in several first records - like :Under the golden wings of death No more a victim of faith Some remarks are also in CD: Ritual Sacrifice (2006) At the beginning of 2007, the band started to divide in two groups with different views. Guitarist wanted to play a kind of melodic death metal – like In Flames, Children of Bodom…, but the core of SEPSIS ( singer and drummer ) wanted to play BRUTAL DEATH METAL !!! In May 2007 both of guitarists left the band, and we enrolled new guitarist called Prase - Tomas Svoboda. In August 2007 was decided, that the band must be refreshed with new singer. His name is Laky – Roman Lukes. October 2007 - Recording of EP Collection of body (P)Arts in HellSound studio. March 2008 - Releasing of split with DATURA (UKR) & MxGxBx (RUS)..label-COYOTE RECORDS (RUS) July 2008 - Releasing of split with SUBURBAN TERRORIST (SK)..label GRODHAISN PRODUCTIONS Sencond half of year 2008 - full of gigs & prepairing a new material for new full-length CD!!! February 2009 - Recording a new CD called ...WITH NO MERCY... in Shaark studio at Bzenec/Czech Republic Summer 2009 - Signs with Metal Age Productions and moving to the new practise room near Prague September 2009 - Honza ( drummer ) left the band and SEPSIS joined a new drummer - Pavel Kolka October 2009 - January 2010 - No Mercy Tour - 10 gigs with bands: Stigma, Amok & Elysium November 2009 - ...NO MERCY CD... is out under Metal Age Productions In 2010, we focused on creating new songs and concerts. In February 2011, everything had seems great, until the owner of garage, where we train songs, sedns us out. We find a new place in Neratovice, where the drummer rejects to be. After that he had decided that he didn't want cooperate with us. In April, we tried to find a replacement for him. After a few attempts, Jiří (Hami) Haramul had decided to leave the Sepsis, in June the band had fell apart. In January 2012, the band has arised again. Now it consist from: Drums Jan (Hanz) Šebek ex.Lewd odium, Tomáš Svoboda guitar, vocals Michael (Mike) Jandák ex.Full Time Job, Basa Dimitrij Borovkov. In March 2012 the band has new songs and plans on recording and touring.In August 2012 new EP DAWN BEFORE THE LIGHT on earth.Record in Shaark studio. Afer this bass player is out of band. He should have good reason, dont much time and would like play other style. In October 2012 we have a new bass player Dominik Vichra ex Enemy Soil East In January 2013 drummer is very much sick. Destabilise group is 3 months.In March 2013 we started learning on our minitour (REST IN PIECES TOUR).In Prague station EP Dawn Before the Light will be christen. After this is EP Dawn Before the Light FREE DOWNLOAD from our websides FB,Myspace, bandzone. After several personal earthquakes the band finally found its own face and started to grow up. Number of played gigs is close to 130 now! For example with bands like : Condemned (USA), Wasteform (USA), Mucopus (USA), Ressurection (USA), Fleshgod Apocalypse (IT), Horrid (IT), Skyforger (LAT), Splattered Mermaids (SWE), Arkona (RUS), Alkonost (RUS), Despise, Fleshless, Pandemia, Poppy Seed grinder, Eternal Bleeding (SK), Typhoid (SK), Sanatorium (SK), Attack of Rage (SK),


Release date Release name Media
2013 Dawn Before the Light DOWNLOAD, EP
2007 Collection of Body (P)Arts EP
2006 Ritual Sacrifice CD


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