OEF: You played some shows with a drum pad, and it
was a completely new experience. In my opinion it was very cool. How was the
crowd response?

The response was always interesting haha. Many people just stood there watching
Jon and would ask him after the performance what in the hell he was doing. Some
people loved it and thought it was a fresh thing to be doing as no one in death
metal was doing anything like it. Others hated it. They hated it visually, and
they were ignorant to what was actually happening. Most of the ones who hated
it thought it was some kind of drum machine when in fact Jon was playing
everything you hear.

The drummer has issues with his back and hip. But he can still play fast!
Titans of grind!
OEF: Are you bringing this drumpad set to Europe or are you using real
Jamie: It will be traditional drums. We have a new drummer Jan Lugtenburg of
the Netherlands who was personally chosen by Jon before his departure.
OEF: It was a long time since Brodequin last album. Are you planning any new
material to release?
Jamie: We are working on new material right now. I have
lyrics complete for ten songs and the music is slowly coming along. Its a
little difficult due to the distance between all of us and it takes longer for
us to work things out. Now that we have pretty much everything down for our
live performances we can really start to focus on new music. I am looking
forward to releasing some new music for all of our friends and all those that
stood by us throughout all the changes.
OEF: Why did you decided to come back with Brodequin after the split up?
Jamie: It was finally time to get back into it. We had
been in the background of the scene watching and listening to all the old and
new bands but we were just inactive. We had some personal issues that made our
ability to commit to putting in the time necessary impossible. Once those
issues cleared up we were able to start evaluating the possibility of bringing
Brodequin back. Basically once we knew things were “back to normal” Mike and I
sat down and discussed playing again. After that I called Jon and we went to
Milwaukee to rehearse, then it was on.

They will crush your ears like bones in the wheel.
OEF: Brodequin was great in both mixing of brutality and great musicianship.
Now is rare to find bands that has this balance, some of them are brutal but
simple, others are technical but empty . Do you feel Death Metal bands are
losing their technical part searching for simplicity? It was easy for you to
find this balance?
Jamie: Thank you we all appreciate that!
Speaking for myself, Brodequin’s music was/is just the way I play. Mike is
a great composer and player that I think in some ways was only appreciated in
person. He is like a machine, all of his recordings were done in one take and
virtually identical when you looked on screen at two or more recordings of the
same song. To us we never tried to balance anything, it just came out in the
writing process when we would all sit down together.
I know what you mean and a few bands come to mind. As a musician it can be
really easy to get sucked into writing really technical parts. You are a
talented musician and you want to push what you are doing but it often can lack
any feeling. The same with the simple approach. Non stop blasting is awesome,
but it can easily start to get a little stale without something of substance.
Its really up to each band to find that balance the way they want to, if at
all. Its metal, so do what you want! just don’t write what you think people
want to hear.
Brodequin live at OEF 2004. They are back!
OEF: This is your space to write what you want to the fans.
Jamie: Thanks a million for the chance to share a few
words with you. We are looking very much forward to Obscene Extreme, it will be
great to be back there again and its still one of my favorite festival
appearances from years ago.
Please feel free to contact me on Facebook (Jamie Bailey), we also have the unmatched
brutality page back in action and a small EU store to save shipping for all of
our overseas friends.
Thanks for the interview! see you this summer!
I encourage everyone to get in touch at any of the links below: