OEF: Hello friends, the first question is the
following. Do you have plans to edit some new material?
Beto: At the moment no, but later we want to edit it
with a new song

Beto: For us it is very important because is our very
first tour through Europe, and more with bands like Animals and Bacteremia that
besides being excellent bands we have a great friendship with them. We hope to
have a very good time and a great experience in the tour.
OEF: You play on Obscene Extreme 2013 Mexico,
what memories do you have of that experience?
Beto: Great memories, first of all to share the
stage with bands that match our taste and that was also also our first time we
played in Mexico. Is our thinking that Obscene is the best underground music
festival on the planet.
OEF: Suppuration has existed since 1997. How has
evolved the scene of the extreme music in Colombia?
Beto: I remember a lot because before here in Colombia
they did not like the extreme brutal and heavy music, they were a few bands but
there were bands that always represented the brutality at that time. The
Grindcore and the Brutal Death genres were known just by few in our country.
The brutal Death Grind scene has grown more all over the country with bands of
very good level.
OEF: Colombia is distinguished now by its very brutal
bands. Which would you recommend to someone who doesn't know this scene and
wants to hear something?
Beto: We recommend that you listen to these bands to
people who do not know the brutality and disease of our country: Internal
Suffering, Purulent, Evil Darknnes, Ancient Necropsy, Averno, Massacre,
Parabellum Kilcrops, Kinguts, Stnzr Cult.
OEF: Devouring Your Prayers is a very intense
album, straight to the face and with that sound so powerful of
Suppuration. The concept of the album is clearly Anti-Christian, but a song
caught my attention: Fucking Metal-Hipsters. Who are these hipsters of the
scene, is refered to Colombia or in the world in general?
Beto: What we refer to metal - hipsters, is to
those people who call themselves "open mind," those who ignore
respect for metal, those who pretend to prostitute it, people of double
standards who take everything fashionable like being animalists, but they make
horns up to see the head of a pig in a metal show, they are toxic people.
Another thing are the metal hipster bands who believe they are the
"perfectionists" of the metal scene. With their technique, levitate
and despise ALL THAT ISN'T to the level of them, when the metal is more about
passion than technique, is to carry it in your heart, not to play metal to gain
fame or money as they believe.
OEF: This is your space to send a message to fans
Beto: Stay tuned, we are going to release an LP
celebrating our 20th anniversary and continue listening to brutal music not
only Suppuration music from the whole world. Thank you for the interview!
Thanks to you for your brutal support Obscene Extreme rulesss forever.