This year, we reached out to CARCASS themselves, who didn't hesitate for a second and went along with us.
Our court graphic designer Martin drew the design and we paid for the textile and printing for OBSCENE EXTREME.

We printed the merchandise, how else but in EXTREME print and you had the opportunity to support this charity event and still get some awesome t-shirts!!! So to all of you who buy our charity merchandise, thank you for helping us!!!

Charity for Doctors Without Borders has been part of Obscene Extreme since 2012 and together we have supported Doctors Without Borders with 1.479.978 CZK (approx. 61.666 euro), which makes us very happy!!! THANK YOU!!!

Are you interested in how our charity event helps? Read the email from the director of the Czech office of Doctors Without Borders below:
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for your financial donation of 07.12.2023. You already know that you are saving lives. But you may be surprised to know that your donations help in other ways: for example, they turn patients into our ambassadors who spread important information about prevention around them.
Deng, a 45-year-old farmer from South Sudan, had an experience with snake bites. Snakebite is a serious health problem: rough estimates suggest that over 100,000 people die and over 400,000 become paralysed or lose a limb each year. Deng comes from a village where there is no health care or services. Instead, there are two large rivers around, where snakes breed during the rainy season.
One of the snakes has crept into the house where Deng lives with his wife and four children. The snake hid under a mat and bit Deng's son Chol when the boy went to sleep. His father immediately cut the wound according to traditional medicine, but Chol's leg was swollen and even after four days his condition did not improve. Deng therefore took his son to our hospital, Chol underwent several operations and was finally discharged home after three weeks.
"If I had waited any longer, my son would not have been well," Deng recalls. He decided to talk about his experience in the community where he lives. He alerts everyone to what he learned in the hospital. He tells them that traditional medicine is not enough, but it is important to seek medical help immediately. No one must delay, because after a few days the medicine might not work.
Deng and his family have become our spreaders of snakebite prevention. For example, they advise the community to clear the grass around their house during the rainy season, not to sleep on the ground and wear high boots. The village also agreed that in the event of a bite, the youth would help carry the patient to a nearby hospital. This builds trust in our medical help.
Thank you for helping us prevent even these deadly dangers with your donation."
Sylva Horáková
Director of the Czech office of Doctors Without Borders
Donor lists:
List of donors from the e-shop:
06.06. 2022 - Karel Matoušek - Napalm Death black TS, size M = 400 CZK
06.05. 2022 - Věra Devechyová - Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench black TS, size L = 531 CZK
23.08. 2023 - Phil Vacelet, France - 2x CARCASS black t-shirts size M + size XL = 1130 CZK
04.09. 2023 - Roman Holeksa - CARCASS grey TS, size M = 800 CZK
21.09. 2023 - Wurma / Thorwald - 1x CARCASS TS black M - 1pc = 600 CZK + 1x CARCASS TS grey S - 1pc = 600 CZK
14.10. 2023 - Daniel "Hary" Harok - CARCASS - grey TS, XL = 500 CZK
21.10. 2023 - Marek Letocha - CARCASS black TS, M = 500 CZK