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Start forming your national teams champions, FREAK FEST IS COMING!!!

OEF will open with the classic FREAK FEST, where we will test your skills in the toughest conditions!!! 

And what do we have in store for you this year? 

- The popular ride in containers. There are always 2 teams of 3 people starting, consisting of one rider and two pulling runners. The team that completes the fastest 2 laps of the designated route wins.

- A duel with giant earwigs. A discipline designed for skilled individuals who face off against each other with giant earwigs and the winner is the one who knocks the opponent off the marked course first and by any means.

- Bowling slide. We'll soak you in lubricant and you'll try to drive as far as you can on the slippery surface and beat the giant bowling pins.

- Salt water exovation aka excelent womit not to be missed. It involves drinking salt water in the shortest time possible. There are always 3 competitors, not only time is judged, but also back reaction.

- Pain Killer. A discipline for two opponents who are voluntarily subjected to blows with various objects designed for that purpose. Whoever can hold out the longest wins.


The best will win trophy merch and other valuable artifacts!!!

Who's up for it this year? Do we have any daredevils?