EVIL OVER KYIV!!! We continue to collect money for SOS Ukraine action for People in Need!!!
We continue printing (not only) t-shirts for Ukraine and in the second part we collected 45.428 CZK (approx. 1.854 euro) for the collection of People in Need - SOS Ukraine towards day 29. 9. 2022. In the first round it was 115.167 CZK (approx. 4.700 euro).
We are happy to add more money and this is your collection to help Ukraine with the refund of OEF 2022 bracelets 21.300 CZK (approx. 888 euro).
In total, we have so far sent to the SOS Ukraine Evil Over Kiyv collection - 160.595 CZK (approx. 6.554 euro) + OEF bracelets 21.300 CZK = 181.895 CZK (approx. 7.424 euro).
Since the beginning of the invasion, People in Need has provided assistance to more than 400,000 people with a total value of over 811 million kroner (approx. 33 million euro), and they have over 260 colleagues on the ground.
You can read more about how they are helping in Ukraine here:
And try this article:
If you want to support People in Need and wear nice merch to go with it, check here: or donate to the People in Need collection directly.

Donors: Frantisek, Jan, Marcel, Karel, Martin, Jana, Petr, Petra, Robert, Jiří, Markéta, František, Petr, Miroslav, Francisco, Ilse, Viktória, Luděk, Jaroslaw, Thies, Iveta, Lukas, Ross, David, Filip, Jan, Jitka, František, Peter, Tomáš, Lukáš, Jan, Ivan, Antonín, Petr, Christophe, Marc-Andre, Vladimír, Martin, Michal, Silvia, Jiří, Jakub, Ctibor, Jindřich, Krzysztof, David, Vít, Christian, Martin, Ondřej, Roman, Peter, Petr, Daniel, Jiří, Iwan, Aleš, Jarda, Luděk, Daniel, František, Ondřej, Malte, Magdaléna, Adéla, Roman, Daniel, Vít, Kateřina, Jakub, Miroslava, Daniel, Vlastimil, Antonio, Peter, Ivo, Christoph, Esa, Antonis, Mario, Magnus, Andrii, Christoph, Otto, Wiebke, Robertsen, Dominik, Laurent, Mich, Susanne, Luis Sebastián, Wilma, Federico, Brian, Yannick, Martin, Přemysl, Leoš.
This time the orders came from the following countries: Romania, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Slovakia, USA, France, Canada, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Greece, Sweden, Norway and Chile.
Thank you for helping with us!!!