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EMASCULATOR - Eradication Of The Asuras


EMASCULATOR - krvavé lázně opět legální!!! Vraťme se do časů Elizabeth Bathory. Krásná a vzrušující bytost, plná násilí a zuřivosti, tak magicky působící a neodolatelně odpudivá svou brutalitou... Ženy a brutalita, okouzlující dívky a extrémní hudba, to vše jsou protiklady, které jsou neuvěřitelně svůdné a přitahují pozornost mužského pohlaví. To, že ženy do extrémní hudby nepatří, je už dlouho minulost. EMASCULATOR tento mýtus boří už jen tím, že si pro sebe jejich hudbu ukradl label plodící prvoligový brutální death metal – New Standard Elite.

Čtveřice krásných divoženek nazvala svou kapelu EMASCULATOR, název je odvozen od nástroje používaného při kastraci hospodářských zvířat. Jeho funkcí je zároveň rozdrtit a přetnout chámovod, zabránit krvácení a zároveň trvale oddělit varle od zvířete. Fascinující představa ve spojení s něžnými stvořeními? No, jejich tvorba a projev je skutečně směsicí bestiality. Hudebně je to čistý masakr. Za mikrofonem trůní královna ženského brutálního growlingu, Mallika a vidět ji naživo je zážitek, který nevymlátí z paměti ani Corpsegrinder! Baby jsou na scéně od roku 2021 a rozhodně si je nesmíte nechat ujít. Bude to divočina!!!


Emasculator is an international collaboration of women hailing from bands such as Abnormality, Unfathomable Ruination, Cartilage, Dreaming Dead (live), PoonTickler, and Oak, Ash & Thorn. They have already established themselves as an uncompromising brutal force. They have teamed up with renowned record label New Standard Elite and will be releasing a new EP in Fall of 2024 entitled The Disfigured and the Divine. 

The band was founded by vocalist Mallika Sundaramurthy in Prague in 2021. After trying out a few different members, she found a match with guitarists California based Teresa Wallace and Florida-native Morgehenna through mutual friends and networking. Mallika and Teresa had met in person multiple times through playing gigs with their current and past bands Cartilage and Abnormality (RIP). Collaborating from a long distance and utilizing modern tools online (such as Google Drive, Skype), together they wrote and released their two song promo in 2022 entitled Depraved Disfigurement. Lacking a drummer at the time, they pushed through the writing process with a drum machine lovingly dubbed “Ball Mincer.” Recorded by the band, it was then mixed and mastered by Tsun Tsun Productions (Devangelic, Epicardiectomy) who also provided the drum machine tracks. It went on to receive much critical acclaim. A limited run of CDs was self-released and soon sold out. The promo was then re-released by Sevared Records in January of 2023.

The search for the perfect drummer ensued and at last was found in Colorado based Cierra White in February of 2024. Together they wrote and recorded the forthcoming release, The Disfigured and the Divine. Opting for a fresh sound, they turned to engineer Josh Welshman (Defeated Sanity, Brodequin) for mixing and mastering. The guitars and bass were again recorded by the band. This time around, vocals were tracked by Tonda Smrčka and drums were recorded by Taylor Hahn. The band is fully satisfied with the new sound which is reminiscent of classic brutal death metal albums.

The music is the product of the band sharing back and forth online and feeding off each other’s enthusiasm, ideas, and criticism. The guitars are heavily influenced by early 2000’s underground brutal death (such as Disgorge, Deeds of Flesh, Disavowed, Inveracity) while also taking some modern influence. The drums are a combination of relentless blast beats frequently tied together with a catchy groove. The vocals are aggressive and dynamic, featuring a wide range of technique and style.

The new album delves into themes of the Goddess in mythology and legend, womanhood and motherhood, overcoming obstacles, justice, spirituality, the human experience, and growing into power. The title, The Disfigured and the Divine, symbolizes the state of the Divine Feminine as experienced in the modern world; highly controlled, often under attack, suppressed but ever-present, potent, important, fierce, and beautiful. 

The album cover, painted by vocalist and artist Mallika Sundaramurthy, is a portrait of Hindu goddess Chhinnamasta. She is seen making the ultimate sacrifice for others. She has severed her own head and is feeding her followers with her life force, her own blood. In giving, she is also receiving nourishment. She has overcome death and will soon return her head to its place. She is standing on a love-making couple, meaning she is above the life-procreation-death cycle. She can also be interpreted as a mother figure who sacrifices for her children, as mothers sacrifice and even risk their lives for their babies during childbirth.

Emasculator makes their live debut this September at Texas Domination Festival and will be touring Europe in May of 2025 around Nice To Eat You Deathfest (Czechia) and will be appearing at Obscene Extreme Festival in July. This will certainly be a band to watch in the years to come. 

Emasculator is:

Mallika Sundaramurthy - Vocals

Teresa Wallace - Guitars

Morgehenna - Guitars

Cierra White - Drums


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2024 The Disfigured and the Divine EP
2022 Depraved Disfigurement DEMO


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