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ALL STARS GRIND TEAM!!! Co mají společného ex členové kapel jako Agathocles, Suppository nebo Aborted? Už nějakou dobu se tito veteráni undergroundu realizují v kapele nazvané BARREN!!! A teď přišel pravý čas tyto bardy pozvat i na Obscene Extreme festival, protože kvality jejich kapely prostě nemůžeme ignorovat!!! BARREN sami sebe nazývají „Chainsaw grind“ a my nemůžeme než souhlasit, protože muzika BARREN zní jako by vás rozpůlila motorová pila na dva kusy!!!
Brutální zvuk HM2 distortionu, frenetické bicí a ječák s growlingem, vše skvěle umíchané do energického grindcorového koktejlu, kde je patrná i příměs hrubého death metalu. Poslechněte jejich nahrávky, kterých je už pořádná řádka, když uvážíme, že kapela existuje teprve od roku 2017. BARREN na OEF 2025 bude tak trochu jako návrat ztracených synů. Tak vítejte zpět, chlapci!!!
Started in 2017 BARREN is a Belgian Grindcore band consisting of (ex) Agathocles, Aborted, Emeth, Suppository members. Using the moniker of “chainsaw grind’ referring to the classic HM2 buzzsaw of Swedish death metal creating the thick crushing guitar and bass tone. With blastbeat driven drums constantly exploding underneath a frenzy guitarriffs, BARREN isn’t afraid to throw in a volcanic eruption of mid-tempo vehemence and tempo shifts.
During 2020 BARREN recorded a first batch of songs @ the Chainsaw Laboratory later mixed & mastered @ Hearse Studios. The band self-released a 2 track demo and 2 EP’s during 2021. Which convinced ESAGOYA Rec. (JPN) to release these songs on CD on 2/22/22. Later the same year GRAND VOMIT Prod. (US) released a split CD with BERATED on 31/04/2022. Meanwhile BARREN inked a deal with GRINDHEAD Rec. (AUS) resulting in BARREN”s first full length album ‘I’ released on 16/12/2022.
During 2023 has been asked to participate on several compilations, like the GOOD GUYS GO GRIND Vol 2 and the NOXIOUS RUIN MAGAZINE Vol 8 to name a few. NOXIOUS RUIN being truly impressed by the song BARREN delivered they decided to release a split release BARREN and VOMITSPELL (DE). Later in the year 2024 SELFMADEGOD released a split album CD/LP of BARREN en SICKRECY (SWE). Both releases were well received by the grindcore community. 2025 will bring a split with LESSER ANIMAL (USA) and a split with DISTASTE (A) and a new full length album. Since their first release BARREN have been working tirelessly to cement their place in the underground grindcore landscape.