Ask whatever you want about OEF!!!Si/Ni #203
26.06.2023 19:34
Is it possible to come to the festival on July 4 in the evening and stay at the campsite?
Wayne A Ordon #196
21.06.2022 02:57
1. Is day parking available? We must drive to our hotel after the festival each night, not camping. 2. Is there a full day on Sunday or just the bands from Saturday night finishing up Sunday morning? It seems the festival is Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat w a couple hours very early Sunday no actual festival during the day Sunday.
Ju #154
12.03.2019 10:50
what time the gigs start on wednesday? i hope we don't miss much as we arrive around 5pm...
vasil #147
18.08.2018 12:17
hi i want to update my band's info, photo and video , also change audio with new song . is that possible or i have to register the same band again with updated info?
migmanzone #142
19.07.2018 14:32
live stream today Acidez at Obscene Extreme 2018
Pelucifer #129
09.03.2018 11:19
Helllooooo alll. im trying to find used/new merchandise from OBE 2009.. if anyones has any left overs please contact me! \m/
Gemma #114
04.11.2017 21:18
Anyone will be travelling to metaldays straight from oef on sun 22nd July 2018?
reagoval: Raymond #131
Duncan #67
23.11.2015 16:07
Anarchus would love to play OEF Trutnov
Machines #30
03.05.2015 14:08
Hallo! Where we can register our band?
Marco #29
02.04.2015 12:56
Hello. I would like to know (in terms of schedule) what happends on the 12th July. Are there any concerts. On the previous year i noticed that usualy there are only 4 days with events. I would like to know this so i can book my return flight (12th or 13th). Thanks