dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:


HETZE Belgium

HETZE - Creep


Dance and destroy! To je motto téhle belgické ultra rychlé power violence / hardcore řežby s názvem HETZE. Dalo by se říct, že takhle kapela po vyslovení jejich jména přímo rezonuje poslední dva roky v evropské fastcore scéně. Na kontě debutní album, které bylo vřele přijato. 

Přidejte k tomu naprosto masakrální energickou show a jako třešničku na dortu to, že téměř (až na jednoho člena) celá sestava Hetze je složená z holek! Pro fans Despise You, Health Hazard nebo Asshole Parade – Hezte na Obscene Extreme Festivalu 2020!


Hetze? What is that? Damn, this is loud and fast. Heavy shit!

Wait a second ... Those are all girls! They sure aren't messing around. They have some anger to vent. Looks like most of it is about social injustice and animal rights, cool, I can get behind that. Shit, those guitars are ripping and the bass is heavy as fuck! The singer is screaming her lungs out so hard, it almost looks like she is going to pass out. She is turning red and pushing people, damn, I hope she doesn't mosh into me. I hear a mix of hardcore punk, D-beat and powerviolence! That’s sweet! They listened a lot to Assholeparade, Despise You and Health Hazard I believe! Check out that drumming girl, blasting away like a maniac! Oh wait, I think it is actually a dude with long hair, my bad.

Looks like they have some cool merch too, totebags, shirts, what's this, an LP titled Bedbugs put out by Loner Cult Records, Emergence, Up The Punx, ZAS Autoproduzioni and Fucking Kill Records in 2018. What! 5 labels? That shit has GOT to be good!

Let's just quickly check their facebook too. Damn, they post a lot of stuff, I guess they have too much time on their hands huh, shouldn't they be rehearsing more? Ah, looks like they are releasing something new in December 2019. A split vinyl with Dismalfucker from Germany? I know them, cool fucking band! Loner Cult Records again, that must be a sweet label, I heard the guys from Travølta are behind it, their taste in music I definitely trust. Co- released with Spastic Fantastic Records, I know them, didn't they release some Dean Dirg and III! stuff before? It will be out in December, so this split will make a sweet Christmas gift for my punk addicted grandma!

Hetze, from Belgium, I'll remember that name!

Dance and Destroy!


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2019 Split LP w/ Dismalfucker LP
2018 Bedbugs LP
2018 Bedbugs LP


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