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FINAL EXIT - 熟女は同級生


SLAVNOSTNÍ HLUČNÁ ŠARÁDA!!! Pro všechny milovníky noise core, neboli totálního a zběsilého nářezu, tady máme lahůdku a tou není nikdo menší než japonské duo FINAL EXIT!!! Na prknech Obscene Extreme festivalu žádní nováčci, ale rozhodně miláčci nás všech, protože jejich vystoupení v letech 2014 a 2019 nás nejenže rozdrtilo energickým přílivem tisíců mikro songů, ale i skvěle pobavilo, protože duo Ryohei a Hisao jsou opravdu mistři svého hlučného řemesla!!!

V roce 2024, tedy kdy OEF slaví čtvrtstoletí, i FINAL EXIT oslaví neuvěřitelných 30 let na scéně, proto se jejich vystoupení ponese i ve slavnostním duchu, jak jen to jejich tradice dovolí!!! Tady se bude skotačit na plný plyn!!! Připravte se...


FINAL EXIT was formed in 1994. Members were Ryohei-Drums,Takahisa-Guitar,Taro-Guitar/Vocal and Suguru-Bass/Vocal. We wanted to do middle styles of Short-Grind and Grind/Noise sounds like early ANAL CUNT, MEAT SHITS, DISCORDANCE AXIS, ASSUCK, MEAT SHITS, FEAR OF GOD,etc…. at that time. We released “Reh.’94”,”Demo#1”,”Demo#2”,”12 songs Promo Tape”,”15 songs Promo Tape” and “Demo#3” and we took part in compilations of several too.

End of 1994 ~early 1995 we changed sound style a little. It strew music variety betweenthe noise. Tuzuranuki-Vocal joined in band and Became the five members of the band most. We released “demo #4” it was our first pro-recording material. But Shortly after recording is over Suguru and Tsuzuranuki left us,they wanted to play pure GRINDCORE style. And we decided to play bass less trio as Ryohei-Drums,Takahisa-Guitar and Taro-Guitar/Vocal. We had to research that it might be more noisy part of the noise. Taro found way to make low-bass noise on guitar,we are using ii even now. We released split tape w/SLC it was our first split release with other band. And released “DESTROY THE POLICE POWER” 3-way tape and split tape w/VIOLENT HEADACHE and we took part in compilations of several. We had the first gig in 1995 too.

In 1996 Taro left us by his personal circumstances. We had a problem with no vocal. but we talked to Hisao,our friend from before he agreed join us readiness. The line-up was Ryohei - Drums,Takahisa-Guitar and Hisao - Guitar/Vocal. Soon we recorded trax for split ep w/NY AGAINST BELZEBU,split tape w/EXCRETED ALIVE,split tape w/NAPALMED and release them. Split tape w/ANDAMIO released and we took part in compilations of several in 1996 too. we had some gigs too.

In 1997 we recorded and released split ep/GONKULATOR. Released split tape w/IPEKAKUANA too. Soon after that Takahisa left us by his personal circumstances. We decided to play only two mans band line up was Ryohei - Drums and Hisao - Guitar/Vocals. We recorded trax for our first full-CD/CT “The Best (S)Hit FE’s” and released it.

But it was a state of fumbling not accustomed to only two people still nowadays. It was also in gigs. We had a lot of rehersals and found our way to make more noisy only in two man. In 1998 We recorded and released split ep w/IRONIA(we had make-up like KISS at that time!),split ep w/P.T.A.O.,split tape w/ORAL CRIMAX,split tape w/丸米博士 and split tape w/C.S.S.O.. we took part in compilations of several too.

In 1999 we released split tape w/CAPTAIN THREE LEGS. In the gig, it was supposed to play face to face with two people on the stage this time. It's the result of thought or show how the movement in two. Released “BARBARIC THRATH DETONATION” comp.CD+EP too!

In 2000 we recorded trax for split ep w/STERBEHILFE and split ep w/EMBALMING THEATRE and released split ep w/STERBEHILFE and split ep w/NOYFB.

In 2001 we released split ep w/EMBALMING THEATRE.

In 2002 we released only “DEADLY ENCOUNTERS 2” comp.ep. The gig only about twice a year from this time…

We had no release deals for some years and Some people say that it has split-up…. But we were continue to rehearsals and make new songs for future releases and do some gigs…

In 2007 we got some released deals and recorded trax for 4-way CD w/BOLLOCK SWINE/ひみつキング/CROVAC and released. Appeared in “REAL JAPANESE UNDERGROUND 2007” comp.CD too.

In 2008 we got our 2nd full-length deal about 3”CD “Seasons are going and going…”. We recorded trax for it and released it.

In 2010 we recorded and released split ep w/DECHE-CHARGE.

In 2014 we appeared a big festival “OBSCENE EXTREME ASIA” in Japan. Our performance got good reaction from audience! And we appeared “OBSCENE EXTREME” in Czech Republic too!!!!!. Before “OBSCENE EXTREME” we did central europe tour with THE KILL from Australia. We did some gigs at Czech, Slovakia and Poland and we appeared “PLAY FAST OR DON’T” festival too!. And it was our first gig outside Japan. We met many of good friends and bands and it was the most awesome experience of our life! The year 2014 was our 20th anniversary year and we were very happy to did it in the year. We released “Spreading The (S)Hits” CD/ CT,”Another (S)Hits of Old Vinyls” CD as for tour. And appeared OEF ASIA and OEF comp.CD. Released split flexi w/SETE STAR SEPT. We did 20th anniversary gig in Tokyo and we did Europe tour report with screen at that time! This is our tour report on web....(Written in Japanese...)

In the beginning of 2015 we appeared commemorate gig of Suguru/FASTKILL (He was past away in 2014). He is our former member and we collected our old members Takahisa and Taro and did special set for him. After “OBSCENE EXTREME ASIA 2014”,a lot of foreign Grind/Noise bands were coming in Japan. We did some gigs with EBORA(Italy),Penis Gayser(USA),Sedem Minut Strachu (Slovakia),Deche-Charge (Canada) and BRUTAL BLUES (Norway). Released split ep with ELECTILE DEMENTIA and ”Spreading The (S)Hits” One sided 12” Version.

In 2016 we got awesome experience again! We did North-American Tour with Sedem Minut Strachu (Slovakia) and Six Brew Bantha (Canada)! At first we did some gigs in BC/CANADA(Victoria, Vancouver,Slocan Valley and Vernon) with both bands after that we went US, played gigs at Seattle,Baltimore and NYC with Sedem Minut Strachu!!!!!

We also met many of good friends and bands!!!!! We released “Mr.Exshit a GO-GO!!!” 3” and 5” (Ltd.55 copies) and Our representative work “Seasons Are Going and Going...” on gatefold sleeve 12” as for the tour. After the tour we did North American Tour report gig with screen and special bingo tournament to get our souvenirs. Released “Middle Aged Stinking Cowboys” One-Sided 7” too.

In 2017 we released “Mr.Exhit a GO-GO!!!” CD version on Obliteration Records. And we did our first one-man gig as for CD release party!!!! We did 55 songs at that gig on 4 parts. We colleted our old member Takahisa and did special set one of them. We never did so long gigs....HAHA! We did “The History of FINAL EXIT” talk show at the same time! Relased 4-way split ep with Sedem Minut Strachu, Adolf Shitter and Noise Brutalizer and split 6” with ChoChos Y Moscas. We also did some foreign tour bands like Chiens (France), NOXA (Indonesia), Bestial Vomit (Italy) and WORMROT (Singapore).

In 2018 we released split ep with Sedem Minut Strachu. And did gigs with some foreign tour bands like FUBAR (Holland), Sedem Minut Strachu(Slovakia) and Massola (Czech).

In 2019 we released split 5”ep w/Abortion.

And we appeared “OBSCENE EXTREME” again in our 25th Anniversary Year! We did main stage and after party Gig!!!

In 2020 COVID attacked World and we didn’t do so many gigs…. We We made donations for struggling live houses and labels. “One-Man Gig@El Puente” is our donation limited on BANDCAMP release. After that we released it on cassette. And we released our 25th Anniversary release “Young Guy of Noize” Picture 12”!!!

In 2021-2022 COVID still attacked World and We didn’t do so many gigs… But we were writing songs to release an album in 2024, the 30th anniversary….

In 2023 split ep w/Cacasonica released with all new songs. Split CD with Oxidized Razor released. We stated to record songs for full-length album for 2024!

In 2024 we are appearing “OBSCENE EXTREME” again in our 30th anniversary year! And we release 40mins longest full-length album “Born in Hell”!!!!! We believe it is the pursuit of sound that want to do our own will not change even now, want to go to noisy in the future.

And it's 30 year anniversary of the formation of our 2024!!!!!


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2024 Born in Hell CD
2023 split Live CD with Oxidized Rasor CD
2023 split w/Cacasonica
2019 split w/Abortion
2018 split with SEDEM MINUT STRACHU EP
2017 “Mr.Exshit a GO-G0!!!”
2017 split with CHOCHOS Y MOSCAS EP
2016 “Seasons are going and going” LP
2016 “Middle Aged Stinking Cowboys” One-Sided 7” EP
2016 “Mr.Exshit a GO-GO!!!” 3” and 5” EP
2015 “Spreading the (S)Hits” One Sided 12” LP
2015 split with ELECTILE DEMENTIA EP
2014 OEF ASIA comp.CD CD
2014 “Spreading The (S)Hits”
2014 “Another (S)Hits of Old Vinyls”
2014 OEF comp.CD CD
2014 split flex with SETE STAR SEPT EP
2014 “Another (S)Hits Of Old Vinyls”
2014 “Spreading The (S)Hits”
2010 split with DECHE-CHARGE EP
2009 DIVELTO Comp. CD
2008 Seasons are going and going… 3”CD CD
2007 4-way split with BOLLOCK SWINE/ひみつキング/CROVAC CD
2006 D.R.F. - Compilation CD
2005 *split ep w/Straight Edge Kegger(2005) and split ep w/ANAL MASSAKER(2005) both on Blastcore Records(USA) are not on this list. I do not want recognized as an official release them. Because changed the artwork without permission, was released despite the gu
2002 DEADLY ENCOUNTERS 2 - Compilation EP
2001 split with EMBALMING THEATRE EP
2000 split with STERBEHILFE EP
2000 split with N.O.Y.F.B. EP
1999 split with CAPTAIN THREE LEGS MC (TAPE)
1998 Music For Retards - Compilation CD
1998 split with IRONIA
1998 split with split with 丸米博士 MC (TAPE)
1998 split with C.S.S.O. MC (TAPE)
1997 The Best (S)Hit FE’s CD
1997 split with Bludge EP
1997 SNARL OUT 2 Compilation EP
1997 split with GONKULATOR EP
1997 The Best (S)Hit FE’s MC (TAPE)
1997 split with IPEKAKUANA MC (TAPE)
1997 split with ORAL CRIMAX
1996 split with NY AGAINST BELZEBU EP
1996 split with EXCRETED ALIVE MC (TAPE)
1996 split with NAPALMED MC (TAPE)
1996 split with ANDAMIO MC (TAPE)
1995 Demo#4
1995 split with SADISTIC LINGAM CULT
1995 split with VIOLENT HEADACHE MC (TAPE)
1994 Reh.’94 MC (TAPE)
1994 Demo#1 MC (TAPE)
1994 Demo#2 MC (TAPE)
1994 12 songs promo tape MC (TAPE)
1994 15 songs promo tape MC (TAPE)
1994 Demo #3 MC (TAPE)


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